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At SMART QR-RFID, we pride ourselves on being leaders in the healthcare industry. Our work is centered around the belief that everyone deserves access to quality healthcare, and we strive to make that a reality. Our team is made up of passionate professionals who are dedicated to improving the health of individuals in our community. We work tirelessly to ensure that our patients receive the best care possible.

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.

Abdominal Hysterectomy

Y75.1 Laparoscopically assisted approach to the abdominal cavity

Y75.2 Laparoscopic approach to the abdominal cavity not elsewhere classified.

Q07 Abdominal excision of uterus (Clean-contaminated)

Q07.1 Abdominal hysterocolpectomy and excision of periuterine tissue

Q07.2 Abdominal hysterectomy and excision of periuterine tissue not elsewhere classified

Q07.3 Abdominal hysterocolpectomy not elsewhere classified

Q07.4 Total abdominal hysterectomy not elsewhere classified Includes: Hysterectomy not elsewhere classified

Q07.5 Subtotal abdominal hysterectomy

Q07.6 Excision of accessory uterus

Q07.8 Other specified abdominal excision of uterus

Q07.9 Unspecified abdominal excision of uterus

Note: If concurrent excision of ovary and/or fallopian tube is performed during the same operation, record as a multiple procedure but do not code.

Bile duct, liver or pancreatic surgery

Operative procedures on the bile duct, gall bladder, liver or pancreas, excluding cholecystectomy without exploration of the bile duct and biopsy of lesions.

Y75.1 Laparoscopically assisted approach to the abdominal cavity

Y75.2 Laparoscopic approach to the abdominal cavity not elsewhere classified

Please see minimum wound class against each procedure.

J02 Partial excision of liver (Clean)

J02.1 Right hemihepatectomy

J02.2 Left hemihepatectomy

J02.3 Resection of segment of liver

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.

J02.4 Wedge excision of liver

J02.5 Marsupialisation of lesion of liver

J02.6 Extended right hemihepatectomy

J02.7 Extended left hemihepatectomy

J02.8 Other specified partial excision of liver

J02.9 Unspecified partial excision of liver

J03 Extirpation of lesion of liver (Clean)

J03.1 Excision of lesion of liver NEC

J03.2 Destruction of lesion of liver NEC

J03.3 Thermal ablation of single lesion of liver

J03.4 Thermal ablation of multiple lesions of liver

J03.5 Excision of multiple lesions of liver

J03.8 Other specified extirpation of lesion of liver

J03.9 Unspecified extirpation of lesion of liver

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
J04 Repair of liver (Clean)

J04.1 Removal of lacerated fragment of liver

J04.2 Repair of laceration of liver

J04.3 Packing of laceration of liver

J04.8 Other specified repair of liver

J04.9 Unspecified repair of liver

J05 Incision of liver (Clean)

Excludes: Open biopsy of lesion of liver

(J05.3) J05.1 Open drainage of liver

J05.2 Open removal of calculus from liver

J05.8 Other specified incision of liver

J18 Excision of gall bladder and exploration of common bile duct (Clean-contaminated)

Excludes: Cholecystectomy without exploration of common bile duct (J18.1, J18.3, J18.5)

J18.2 Total cholecystectomy and exploration of common bile duct Includes: Cholecystectomy and exploration of common bile duct not elsewhere classified

J18.4 Partial cholecystectomy and exploration of common bile duct

J19 Connection of gall bladder (Clean-contaminated)

J19.1 Anastomosis of gall bladder to stomach

J19.2 Anastomosis of gall bladder to duodenum

J19.3 Anastomosis of gall bladder to jejunum

J19.4 Anastomosis of gall bladder to intestine not elsewhere classified

J19.5 Revision of anastomosis of gall bladder

J19.6 Closure of anastomosis of gall bladder

J19.8 Other specified connection of gall bladder

J19.9 Unspecified connection of gall bladder

J20 Repair of gall bladder (Clean-contaminated)

J20.1 Closure of fistula of gall bladder

J20.2 Closure of cholecystotomy

J20.3 Repair of perforation of gall bladder

J20.8 Other specified repair of gall bladder

J20.9 Unspecified repair of gall bladder

J21 Incision of gall bladder (Clean-contaminated)

J21.1 Open removal of calculus from gall bladder

J21.2 Drainage of gall bladder

Includes: Cholecystostomy not elsewhere classified

J21.3 Drainage of tissue surrounding gall bladder

J21.8 Other specified incision of gall bladder

J21.9 Unspecified incision of gall bladder

J23.1 Excision of lesion of gall bladder (Clean-contaminated)

J23.8 Other specified open operations on gall bladder

J23.9 Unspecified other open operations on gall bladder

Does not include biopsy or exploration

J27 Excision of bile duct (Clean-contaminated)

J27.1 Excision of ampulla of Vater and replantation of common bile duct into duodenum

J27.2 Partial excision of bile duct and anastomosis of bile duct to duodenum

J27.3 Partial excision of bile duct and anastomosis of bile duct to jejunum

J27.4 Partial excision of bile duct and end to end anastomosis of bile duct

J27.5 Excision of extrahepatic bile ducts HFQ

J27.8 Other specified excision of bile duct

J27.9 Unspecified excision of bile duct

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
J28.1 Excision of lesion of bile duct (Clean-contaminated)

J28.2 Destruction of lesion of bile duct

J28.8 Other specified extirpation of lesion of bile duct

J28.9 unspecified extirpation of lesion of bile duct

J29 Connection of hepatic duct (Clean-contaminated)

J29.1 Anastomosis of hepatic duct to transposed jejunum and insertion of tubal prosthesis HFQ

J29.2 Anastomosis of hepatic duct to jejunum NEC

J29.3 Revision of anastomosis of hepatic duct

J29.4 Open dilation of anastomosis of hepatic duct

J29.8 Other specified connection of hepatic duct

J29.9 Unspecified connection of hepatic duct

J30 Connection of common bile duct (Clean-contaminated)

J30.1 Anastomosis of common bile duct to duodenum

J30.2 Anastomosis of common bile duct to transposed jejunum

J30.3 Anastomosis of common bile duct to jejunum not elsewhere classified

J30.4 Revision of anastomosis of common bile duct

J30.5 Open dilation of anastomosis of common bile duct

J30.8 Other specified connection of common bile duct

J30.9 Unspecified connection of common bile duct

J31 Open introduction of prosthesis into bile duct (Clean-contaminated)

J31.1 Open insertion of tubal prosthesis into both hepatic ducts and common bile duct

J31.2 Open insertion of tubal prosthesis into one hepatic duct and common bile duct

J31.3 Open renewal of tubal prosthesis in bile duct

J31.4 Open removal of tubal prosthesis in bile duct

J31.8 Other specified open introduction of prosthesis into bile duct

J31.9 Unspecified open introduction of prosthesis into bile duct

J32 Repair of bile duct (Clean-contaminated)

J32.1 Reconstruction of bile duct

J32.2 Reanastomosis of bile duct

Includes: End to end anastomosis of divided bile duct

J32.8 Other specified repair of bile duct

J32.9 Unspecified repair of bile duct

J33 Incision of bile duct (Clean-contaminated)

J33.1 Open removal of calculus from bile duct and drainage of bile duct

J33.2 Open removal of calculus from bile duct not elsewhere classified

J33.3 Drainage of bile duct not elsewhere classified

 J33.8 Other specified incision of bile duct

J33.9 Unspecified incision of bile duct

Excludes: Exploration of bile duct when associated with excision of gall bladder (J18.2, J18.4)

J34 Plastic repair of sphincter of Oddi using duodenal approach (Clean- contaminated)

Includes: Plastic repair of sphincter of Oddi using duodenal approach NEC Excludes: Endoscopic sphincteroplasty of ampulla of Vater (J39.2-J39.4)

J34.1 Sphincteroplasty of bile duct and pancreatic duct using duodenal approach

J34.2 Sphincteroplasty of bile duct using duodenal approach not elsewhere classified

J34.3 Sphincteroplasty of pancreatic duct using duodenal approach not elsewhere classified

J34.8 Other specified plastic repair of sphincter of oddi using duodenal approach

J34.9 Unspecified: plastic repair of sphincter of oddi using duodenal approach Includes: Sphincteroplasty of papilla of Vater using duodenal approach NEC Sphincteroplasty of sphincter of Oddi using duodenal approach NEC

J35 Incision of sphincter of Oddi using duodenal approach (Clean- contaminated)

Includes: Incision of sphincter of Oddi not elsewhere classified

J35.1 Sphincterotomy of bile duct and pancreatic duct using duodenal approach

J35.2 Sphincterotomy of bile duct using duodenal approach not elsewhere classified

J35.3 Sphincterotomy of pancreatic duct using duodenal approach not elsewhere classified

J35.8 Other specified incision of sphincter of oddi using duodenal approach

J35.9 Unspecified incision of sphincter of oddi using duodenal approach Includes: Sphincterotomy of papilla of Vater using duodenal approach Sphincterotomy of papilla of Vater not elsewhere classified

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
J36 Other operations on ampulla of Vater using duodenal approach (Clean-contaminated)

Includes: Operations on ampulla of Vater not elsewhere classified Papilla of Vater; Sphincter of Oddi

Excludes: Biopsy of lesion of ampulla of Vater using duodenal approach (36.2)

J36.8 Other specified other operations on ampulla of vata using duodenal approach

J36.9 Unspecified operations on ampulla of vata using duodenal approach

J55 Total excision of pancreas (Clean-contaminated)

J55.1 Total pancreatectomy and excision of surrounding tissue

J55.2 Total pancreatectomy not elsewhere classified

J55.3 Excision of transplanted pancreas

J55.8 Other specified total excision of pancreas

J55.9 Unspecified specified total excision of pancreas

J56 Excision of head of pancreas (Clean-contaminated)

J56.1 Pancreaticoduodenectomy and excision of surrounding tissue

J56.2 Pancreaticoduodenectomy and resection of antrum of stomach

J56.3 Pancreaticoduodenectomy not elsewhere classified

J56.4 Subtotal excision of head of pancreas with preservation of duodenum and drainage HFQ

J56.8 Other specified excision of head of pancreas

J56.9 Unspecified excision of head of pancreas

J57 Other partial excision of pancreas (Clean-contaminated)

J57.1 Subtotal pancreatectomy

J57.2 Left pancreatectomy and drainage of pancreatic duct

J57.3 Left pancreatectomy not elsewhere classified

J57.4 Excision of tail of pancreas and drainage of pancreatic duct

J57.5 Excision of tail of pancreas not elsewhere classified

J57.6 Pancreatic necrosectomy

J57.8 Other specified other partial excision of pancreas

J57.9 Unspecified other partial excision of pancreas

Includes: Pancreatectomy not elsewhere classified

J58 Extirpation of lesion of pancreas (Clean)

J58.1 Excision of lesion of islet of langerhans

J58.2 Excision of lesion of pancreas not elsewhere classified

J58.3 Destruction of lesion of pancreas

J58.8 Other specified other extirpation of pancreas

J58.9 Unspecified other extirpation of pancreas

J59 Connection of pancreatic duct (Clean-contaminated)

J59.1 Anastomosis of pancreatic duct to stomach

J59.2 Anastomosis of pancreatic duct to duodenum

J59.3 Anastomosis of pancreatic duct to transposed jejunum

J59.4 Anastomosis of pancreatic duct to jejunum not elsewhere classified

J59.5 Revision of anastomosis of pancreatic duct

J59.6 Closure of anastomosis of pancreatic duct

J59.8 Other specified connection of pancreatic duct

J59.9 Unspecified connection of pancreatic duct

J60 Other open operations on pancreatic duct (Clean-contaminated)

J60.1 Drainage of pancreatic duct

J60.2 Open removal of calculus from pancreatic duct

Includes: Removal of calculus from pancreatic duct not elsewhere classified

J60.3 Insertion of T tube into pancreatic duct (Clean-contaminated)

J60.4 Open insertion of tubal prosthesis into pancreatic duct

Includes: Insertion of tubal prosthesis into pancreatic duct not elsewhere classified (Clean-contaminated)

J60.5 Open dilation of pancreatic duct

Includes: Dilation of pancreatic duct not elsewhere classified (Clean-contaminated)

J60.8 Other specified other operations on pancreatic duct

J60.9 Unspecified other operations on pancreatic duct

J61 Open drainage of lesion of pancreas (Clean-contaminated)

J61.1 Open cystogastrotomy of pancreas

J61.2 Drainage of cyst of pancreas into transposed jejunum

J61.3 Drainage of cyst of pancreas into jejunum not elsewhere classified

J61.4 Drainage of cyst of pancreas not elsewhere classified

J61.8 Other specified open drainage of lesion of pancreas

J61.9 Unspecified open drainage of lesion of pancreas

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.

Breast Surgery

Breast reconstruction, mammoplasty, excision of lesion, tissue or breast including radical, modified, or quadrant resection, lumpectomy, incisional biopsy

The minimum wound class for breast surgery is clean.

B27 Total excision of breast (Clean)

Note: Use a supplementary code for removal of lymph node (T85-T87)

B27.1 Total mastectomy and excision of both pectoral muscles and part of chest wall

B27.2 Total mastectomy and excision of both pectoral muscles NEC

B27.3 Total mastectomy and excision of pectoralis minor mscle

B27.4 Total mastectomy NEC

Includes: Simple mastectomy

B27.5 Subcutaneous mastectomy Includes: Nipple sparing mastectomy

B27.6 Skin sparing mastectomy

B27.8 Other specified

B27.9 Unspecified Includes: Mastectomy NEC

B28 Other excision of breast (Clean)

Note: Use a supplementary code for removal of lymph node (T85-T87)

B28.1 Quadrantectomy of breast

B28.2 Partial excision of breast NEC

Includes: Wedge excision of breast NEC Wide excision of breast NEC

B28.3 Excision of lesion of breast

NEC      Includes: Lumpectomy of breast NEC

B28.4 Re-excision of breast margins

B28.6 Excision of accessory breast tissue

B28.8 Other specified

B28.9 Unspecified

B29 Reconstruction of breast (Clean)

*Excludes: Reconstruction of breast using flap of skin of buttock (B38)

*Reconstruction of breast using abdominal flap (B39)

Note: Use a supplementary code for insertion of prosthesis for breast (B30.1) or skin expander (S48)

Use a supplementary code for attention to skin expander (S49)

B29.1 Reconstruction of breast using myocutaneous flap of latissimus dorsi muscle

B29.2 Reconstruction of breast using local flap of skin NEC

B29.3 Reconstruction of breast using flap of skin of abdomen NEC

B29.4 Reconstruction of breast using distant flap of skin NEC

B29.5 Revision of reconstruction of breast

B29.8 Other specified

B29.9 Unspecified

B30 Prosthesis for breast (Clean)

Excludes: Augmentation mammoplasty (B31.2)

B30.1 Insertion of prosthesis for breast

B30.2 Revision of prosthesis for breast

B30.3 Removal of prosthesis for breast

B30.4 Renewal of prosthesis for breast

B30.8 Other specified

B30.9 Unspecified

B31 Other plastic operations on breast (Clean)

B31.1 Reduction mammoplasty

B31.2 Augmentation mammoplasty

B31.3 Mastopexy

B31.4 Revision of mammoplasty

B31.8 Other specified

B31.9 Unspecified

B38 Reconstruction of breast using flap of skin of buttock (Clean)

Note: Use a supplementary code for insertion of prosthesis for breast (B30.1) or skin expander (S48) Use a supplementary code for attention to skin expander (S49)

B38.1 Reconstruction of breast using free superior gluteal artery perforator flap

B38.2 Reconstruction of breast using free inferior gluteal artery perforator flap

B38.8 Other specified

B38.9 Unspecified

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
B39 Reconstruction of breast using abdominal flap (Clean)

Excludes: Reconstruction of breast using flap of skin of abdomen NEC (B29.3)

Note: Use a supplementary code for insertion of prosthesis for breast (B30.1) or skin expander (S48) Use a supplementary code for attention to skin expander (S49)

B39.1 Reconstruction of breast using free transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap

B39.2 Reconstruction of breast using pedicled transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap

B39.3 Reconstruction of breast using free deep inferior epigastric perforator flap

B39.4 Reconstruction of breast using pedicle omental flap

B39.5 Reconstruction of breast using free omental flap

B39.8 Other specified

B39.9 Unspecified

O14 Other lymph node (Clean)

O14.2 Sentinel lymph node

T85 Block dissection of lymph nodes (Clean)

T85.1 Block dissection of cervical lymph nodes

T85.2 Block dissection of axillary lymph nodes

T85.3 Block dissection of mediastinal lymph nodes

T85.4 Block dissection of para-aortic lymph nodes

T85.5 Block dissection of inguinal lymph nodes

T85.6 Block dissection of pelvic lymph nodes

T85.8 Other specified

T85.9 Unspecified

T86 Sampling of lymph nodes (Clean)

Note: Use subsidiary code for sentinel lymph node (O14.2 (Z))

T86.1 Sampling of cervical lymph nodes

T86.2 Sampling of axillary lymph nodes

T86.3 Sampling of supraclavicular lymph nodes

T86.4 Sampling of internal mammary lymph nodes

T86.5 Sampling of mediastinal lymph nodes

T86.6 Sampling of para-aortic lymph nodes

T86.7 Sampling of inguinal lymph nodes

T86.8 Other specified

T86.9 Unspecified

T87 Excision or biopsy of lymph node (Clean)

Note: Use subsidiary code for sentinel lymph node (O14.2 (Z)) T87.1 Excision or biopsy of scalene lymph node

T87.2 Excision or biopsy of cervical lymph node NEC

T87.3 Excision or biopsy of axillary lymph node

Includes: Excision or biopsy of supraclavicular lymph node NEC T87.4 Excision or biopsy of mediastinal lymph node

T87.5 Excision or biopsy of para-aortic lymph node

T87.6 Excision or biopsy of porta hepatis lymph node

T87.7 Excision or biopsy of inguinal lymph node

T87.8 Other specified

T87.9 Unspecified

Open chest procedures on valves or septum of heart; excludes coronary artery bypass graft, surgery on vessels, heart transplantation, or pacemaker implantation.

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.

Cardiac Surgery (non-CABG)

The minimum wound class for cardiac surgery is clean

K04 Repair of tetralogy of Fallot (Clean)

Includes: Fallot-type pulmonary atresia with ventricular septal defect

K04.1 Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using valved right ventricular outflow conduit

K04.2 Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using right ventricular outflow conduit NEC

K04.3 Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using transannular patch

Includes: Repair of tetralogy of Fallot using right ventricular outflow patch

K04.4 Revision of repair of tetralogy of Fallot

K04.5 Repair of tetralogy of Fallot with absent pulmonary valve

K04.6 Repair of Fallot-type pulmonary atresia with aortopulmonary collaterals

K04.8 Other specified

K04.9 Unspecified

K05 Atrial inversion operations for transposition of great arteries (Clean)

K05.1 Reconstruction of atrium using atrial patch for transposition of great arteries

K05.2 Reconstruction of atrium using atrial wall for transposition of great arteries

K05.8 Other specified

K05.9 Unspecified

K06 Other repair of transposition of great arteries (Clean)

Includes: Repair of transposition of great arteries with ventricular septal defect Repair of transposition of great arteries with left ventricular outflow tract Obstruction

Repair of congenitally corrected transposition of great arteries

K06.1 Repositioning of transposed great arteries

Includes: Arterial switch procedure

K06.2 Left ventricle to aorta tunnel with right ventricle to pulmonary trunk direct anastomosis

K06.3 Left ventricle to aorta tunnel with right ventricle to pulmonary artery valved conduit

K06.4 Atrial inversion and repositioning of transposed great artery

Includes: Double switch procedure

K06.8 Other specified

K06.9 Unspecified

K07 Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection (Clean)

K07.1 Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to supracardiac vessel

K07.2 Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to coronary sinus

K07.3 Correction of total anomalous pulmonary venous connection to infradiaphragmatic vessel

K07.8 Other specified

K07.9 Unspecified

K08 Repair of double outlet ventricle (Clean)

K08.1 Repair of double outlet right ventricle with intraventricular tunnel

K08.2 Repair of Fallot-type double outlet right ventricle

K08.3 Repair of double outlet right ventricle

K08.4 Repair of double outlet left ventricle

K08.8 Other specified

K08.9 Unspecified

K09 Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum (Clean)

K09.1 Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using dual prosthetic patches

K09.2 Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using prosthetic patch NEC

K09.3 Repair of defect of atrioventricular septum using tissue graft

K09.4 Repair of persistent ostium primum

K09.5 Primary repair of defect of atrioventricular septum NEC

K09.6 Revision of repair of defect of atrioventricular septum

K09.8 Other specified

K09.9 Unspecified

K10 Repair of defect of interatrial septum (Clean)

Excludes: When associated with repair of tetralogy of Fallot (K04) Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interatrial septum (K13.3, K13.4)

K10.1 Repair of defect of interatrial septum using prosthetic patch

K10.2 Repair of defect of interatrial septum using pericardial patch

K10.3 Repair of defect of interatrial septum using tissue graft NEC

K10.4 Primary repair of defect of interatrial septum NEC

K10.5 Revision of repair of defect of interatrial septum

K10.8 Other specified

K10.9 Unspecified

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
K11 Repair of defect of interventricular septum (Clean)

Excludes: When associated with repair of tetralogy of Fallot (K04)

Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of interventricular septum (K13.1, K13.2)

K11.1 Repair of defect of interventricular septum using prosthetic patch

K11.2 Repair of defect of interventricular septum using pericardial patch

K11.3 Repair of defect of interventricular septum using tissue graft NEC

K11.4 Primary repair of defect of interventricular septum NEC

K11.5 Revision of repair of defect of interventricular septum

K11.6 Repair of multiple interventricular septal defects

K11.7 Repair of interventricular septal defect using intraoperative transluminal prosthesis

K11.8 Other specified

K11.9 Unspecified

K12 Repair of defect of unspecified septum of heart (Clean)

Excludes: When associated with repair of tetralogy of Fallot (K04) Percutaneous transluminal repair of defect of unspecified septum (K13.5–K13.9)

K12.1 Repair of defect of septum of heart using prosthetic patch NEC

K12.2 Repair of defect of septum of heart using pericardial patch NEC

K12.3 Repair of defect of septum of heart using tissue graft NEC

K12.4 Primary repair of defect of septum of heart NEC

K12.5 Revision of repair of septum of heart NEC

K12.8 Other specified

K12.9 Unspecified

K14 Other open operations on septum of heart (Clean)

K14.1 Open enlargement of defect of atrial septum

K14.2 Open atrial septostomy

Includes: Open atrial septal fenestration Atrial septostomy NEC

K14.3 Atrial septectomy

K14.4 Surgical atrial septation

K14.5 Open enlargement of defect of interventricular septum K14.8 Other specified

K14.9 Unspecified

K17 Repair of univentricular heart (Clean)

K17.1 Total cavopulmonary connection with extracardiac inferior caval vein to pulmonary artery conduit

K17.2 Total cavopulmonary connection with lateral atrial tunnel

K17.3 Aortopulmonary reconstruction with systemic to pulmonary arterial shunt

K17.4 Aortopulmonary reconstruction with right ventricle to pulmonary arterial valveless conduit

K17.5 Biventricular repair of hypoplastic left heart syndrome

K17.6 Takedown of total cavopulmonary connection

K17.7 Conversion of atrial pulmonary anastomosis to total pulmonary connection

K17.8 Other specified

K17.9 Unspecified

K18 Creation of valved cardiac conduit (Clean)

Excludes: When associated with repair of tetralogy of Fallot (K04)

K18.1 Creation of valved conduit between atrium and ventricle of heart

K18.2 Creation of valved conduit between right atrium and pulmonary artery

K18.3 Creation of valved conduit between right ventricle of heart and pulmonary artery

K18.4 Creation of valved conduit between left ventricle of heart and aorta

K18.5 Revision of valved cardiac conduit

K18.6 Creation of valved conduit between left ventricle of heart and pulmonary artery

K18.7 Replacement of valved cardiac conduit

K18.8 Other specified

K18.9 Unspecified

K19 Creation of other cardiac conduit (Clean)

Excludes: When associated with repair of tetralogy of Fallot (K04)

K19.1 Creation of conduit between atrium and ventricle of heart NEC

K19.2 Creation of conduit between right atrium and pulmonary artery NEC

K19.3 Creation of conduit between right ventricle of heart and pulmonary artery NEC

K19.4 Creation of conduit between right ventricle of heart and vena cava

K19.5 Creation of conduit between left ventricle of heart and aorta NEC

K19.6 Revision of cardiac conduit NEC

K19.8 Other specified

K19.9 Unspecified

K20 Refashioning of atrium (Clean)

K20.1 Correction of persistent sinus venosus

K20.2 Correction of partial anomalous pulmonary venous drainage

K20.3 Repair of cor triatriatum

K20.4 Repair of coronary sinus abnormality

K20.8 Other specified

K20.9 Unspecified

K22 Other operations on wall of atrium (Clean)

Excludes: Operations on coronary artery (K40-K51) or conducting system of heart (K52, K57, K58)

K22.1 Excision of lesion of atrium

K22.2 Repair of atrium NEC K22.8 Other specified

K22.9 Unspecified

K23 Other operations of wall of heart (Clean)

Excludes: Operations on coronary artery (K40–K51) or conducting system of heart (K52, K57–K58)

K23.1 Excision of lesion of wall of heart NEC

Includes: Excision of lesion of ventricle of heart

K23.2 Biopsy of lesion of wall of heart

Includes: Biopsy of wall of heart Biopsy of lesion of heart NEC Biopsy of heart NEC

K23.3 Repair of wall of heart NEC

K23.5 Partial left ventriculectomy

K23.6 Cardiomyoplasty

K23.8 Other specified

K23.9 Unspecified

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
K24 Other operations on ventricles of heart (Clean)

K24.1 Relief of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction

K24.2 Repair of double chambered right ventricle

K24.3 Repair of right ventricular aneurysm

K24.4 Repair of left ventricular aneurysm

K24.5 Relief of left ventricular outflow tract obstruction

K24.6 Myectomy of left ventricular outflow tract

K24.7 Myotomy of left ventricular outflow tract

K24.8 Other specified

K24.9 Unspecified

K25 Plastic repair of mitral valve (Clean)

Excludes: Annuloplasty of mitral valve (K34.1)

K25.1 Allograft replacement of mitral valve

K25.2 Xenograft replacement of mitral valve

K25.3 Prosthetic replacement of mitral valve

K25.4 Replacement of mitral valve NEC

K25.5 Mitral valve repair NEC

Includes: Mitral valvuloplasty NEC

K25.8 Other specified

K25.9 Unspecified

K26 Plastic repair of aortic valve (Clean)

Note: Use as a supplementary code for concurrent multiple replacement of valves of heart (for example, K25)

K26.1 Allograft replacement of aortic valve

K26.2 Xenograft replacement of aortic valve

K26.3 Prosthetic replacement of aortic valve

K26.4 Replacement of aortic valve NEC

K26.5 Aortic valve repair NEC

Includes: Aortic valvuloplasty NEC

K26.8 Other specified

K26.9 Unspecified

K27 Plastic repair of tricuspid valve (Clean)

K27.1 Allograft replacement of tricuspid valve

K27.2 Xenograft replacement of tricuspid valve

K27.3 Prosthetic replacement of tricuspid valve

K27.4 Replacement of tricuspid valve NEC

K27.5 Repositioning of tricuspid valve

K27.6 Tricuspid valve repair NEC

Includes: Tricuspid valvuloplasty NEC

K27.8 Other specified

K27.9 Unspecified

K28 Plastic repair of pulmonary valve (Clean)

K28.1 Allograft replacement of pulmonary valve

K28.2 Xenograft replacement of pulmonary valve

K28.3 Prosthetic replacement of pulmonary valve

K28.4 Replacement of pulmonary valve NEC

K28.5 Pulmonary valve repair NEC

Includes: Pulmonary valvuloplasty NEC

K28.8 Other specified

K28.9 Unspecified

K29 Plastic repair of unspecified valve of heart (Clean)

Includes: Plastic repair of other specified valve of heart

K29.1 Allograft replacement of valve of heart NEC

K29.2 Xenograft replacement of valve of heart NEC

K29.3 Prosthetic replacement of valve of heart NEC

K29.4 Replacement of valve of heart NEC

K29.5 Repair of valve of heart NEC Includes: Valvuloplasty of heart NEC

K29.6 Truncal valve repair

Includes: Truncal valvuloplasty

K29.7 Replacement of truncal valve

K29.8 Other specified

K29.9 Unspecified

K30 Revision of plastic repair of valve of heart (Clean)

Includes: Revision of replacement of valve of heart

K30.1 Revision of plastic repair of mitral valve

K30.2 Revision of plastic repair of aortic valve

K30.3 Revision of plastic repair of tricuspid valve

K30.4 Revision of plastic repair of pulmonary valve

K30.5 Revision of plastic repair of truncal valve

K30.8 Other specified

K30.9 Unspecified

K31 Open incision of valve of heart (Clean)

Includes: Incision of valve of heart NEC

K31.1 Open mitral valvotomy

K31.2 Open aortic valvotomy

K31.3 Open tricuspid valvotomy

K31.4 Open pulmonary valvotomy

K31.5 Open truncal valvotomy

K31.8 Other specified

K31.9 Unspecified Includes: Valvotomy NEC

K32 Closed incision of valve of heart (Clean)

K32.1 Closed mitral valvotomy

K32.2 Closed aortic valvotomy

K32.3 Closed tricuspid valvotomy

K32.4 Closed pulmonary valvotomy

K32.8 Other specified

K32.9 Unspecified

K34 Other open operations on valve of heart (Clean)

K34.1 Annuloplasty of mitral valve

K34.2 Annuloplasty of tricuspid valve

K34.3 Annuloplasty of valve of heart NEC

K34.4 Excision of vegetations of valve of heart

Excludes: Open excision of vegetations of heart NEC (K55.4)

K34.5 Closure of tricuspid valve

K34.6 Closure of pulmonary valve

K34.8 Other specified

K34.9 Unspecified

K36 Excision of valve of heart (Clean)

K36.1 Tricuspid valvectomy

K36.2 Pulmonary valvectomy

K36.8 Other specified

K36.9 Unspecified

K67 Excision of pericardium (Clean)

K67.1 Excision of lesion of pericardium

K67.8 Other specified

K67.9 Unspecified

K69 Incision of pericardium (Clean)

K69.1 Freeing of adhesions of pericardium

K69.2 Fenestration of pericardium

K69.8 Other specified

K69.9 Unspecified

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.

Cholecystectomy (non-laparoscopic) without exploration of bile duct

Partial or total excision of the gall bladder, excluding laparoscopic approach and procedures involving exploration of the bile duct.

The minimum wound class is shown in brackets by group name.

Excision of gall bladder without exploration of bile duct (Clean- contaminated)

Includes: Cholecystectomy without exploration of bile duct

Excludes: Cholecystectomy with exploration of bile duct (J18.2 and J18.4 these are included in bile duct liver or pancreas surgery category)

J18.1 Total cholecystectomy and excision of surrounding tissue

J18.3 Total cholecystectomy not elsewhere classified

J18.5 Partial cholecystectomy not elsewhere classified

J18.8 Other specified excision of gall bladder

J18.9 Unspecified excision of gall bladder

Coronary artery bypass graft

Open chest procedure to perform direct revascularization of heart, for example, using suitable vein from leg for grafting, internal mammary artery, among others.

The minimum wound class for coronary artery bypass graft is clean.

K40 Saphenous vein graft replacement of coronary artery (Clean)

K40.1 Saphenous vein graft replacement of one coronary artery

K40.2 Saphenous vein graft replacement of two coronary arteries

K40.3 Saphenous vein graft replacement of three coronary arteries

K40.4 Saphenous vein graft replacement of four or more coronary arteries

K40.8 Other specified saphenous vein graft replacement of coronary artery

K40.9 Unspecified saphenous vein graft replacement of coronary artery

K41 Other autograft replacement of coronary artery (Clean)

K41.1 Autograft replacement of one coronary artery not elsewhere classified

K41.2 Autograft replacement of two coronary arteries not elsewhere classified

K41.3 Autograft replacement of three coronary arteries not elsewhere classified

K41.4 Autograft replacement of four or more coronary arteries not elsewhere classified

K41.8 Other specified autograft replacement of coronary artery

K41.9 Unspecified other autograft replacement of coronary artery

K43 Prosthetic replacement of coronary artery (Clean)

K43.1 Prosthetic replacement of one coronary artery

K43.2 Prosthetic replacement of two coronary arteries

K43.3 Prosthetic replacement of three coronary arteries

K43.4 Prosthetic replacement of four or more coronary arteries

K43.8 Other specified prosthetic replacement of coronary artery

K43.9 Unspecified prosthetic replacement of coronary artery

K44 Other replacement of coronary artery (Clean)

Includes: Coronary artery bypass graft not elsewhere classified

K44.1 Replacement of coronary arteries using multiple methods

K44.2 Revision of replacement of coronary artery

K44.8 Other specified other replacement of coronary artery

K44.9 Unspecified other replacement of coronary artery

K45 Connection of thoracic artery to coronary artery (Clean)

K45.1 Double anastomosis of mammary arteries to coronary arteries

K45.2 Double anastomosis of thoracic arteries to coronary arteries not elsewhere classified

K45.3 Anastomosis of mammary artery to left anterior descending coronary artery

K45.4 Anastomosis of mammary artery to coronary artery not elsewhere classified

K45.5 Anastomosis of thoracic artery to coronary artery not elsewhere classified

K45.6 Revision of connection of thoracic artery to coronary artery

K45.8 Other specified connection of thoracic artery to coronary artery

K45.9 Unspecified connection of thoracic artery to coronary artery

K46 Other bypass of coronary artery (Clean)

Excludes: Coronary artery bypass graft (K40-K44)

K46.1 Double implantation of mammary arteries into heart

K46.2 Double implantation of thoracic arteries into heart not elsewhere classified

K46.3 Implantation of mammary artery into heart not elsewhere classified

K46.4 Implantation of thoracic artery into heart not elsewhere classified

K46.5 Revision of implantation of thoracic artery into heart

K46.8 Other specified other bypass of coronary artery

K46.9 Unspecified other bypass of coronary artery

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.

Cranial Surgery

 Incision through the skull to excise, repair, or explore the brain, excludes taps or punctures.      Note:

Use a subsidiary code to identify method of image control (Y53) Use a subsidiary code for minimal access approach (Y76)

The minimum wound class for cranial surgery is clean

Y53.1 Approach organ under radiological control Y53.2 Approach to organ under ultrasonic control

Y53.3 Approach to organ under computed tomography scan control

Y53.4 Approach to organ under fluoroscopic control

Y53.5 Approach to organ under image intensifier Y53.6 Approach to organ under video control

Y53.7 Approach to organ under magnetic resonance imaging control

Y53.8 Other specified approach to organ under image control

Y53.9 Unspecified approach to organ under image control

Y76.1 Functional endoscopic sinus surgery

Y76.2 Functional endoscopic nasal surgery

Y76.3 Endoscopic approach to other body cavity

Y76.4 Endoscopic ultrasonic approach to other body cavity

Y76.5 Robotic assisted minimal access approach to other body cavity

Y76.6 Endonasal endoscopic approach to other body cavity

Y76.7 Arthroscopic approach to joint

Y76.8 Other specified minimal access to other body cavity Y76.9 Unspecified minimal access to other body cavity

A01 Major excision of tissue of brain (Clean)

A01.1 Hemispherectomy

A01.2 Total lobectomy of brain

A01.3 Partial lobectomy of brain

A01.8 Other specified

A01.9 Unspecified

A02 Excision of lesion of tissue of brain (Clean)

A02.1 Excision of lesion of tissue of frontal lobe of brain

A02.2 Excision of lesion of tissue of temporal lobe of brain

A02.3 Excision of lesion of tissue of parietal lobe of brain

A02.4 Excision of lesion of tissue of occipital lobe of brain

A02.5 Excision of lesion of tissue of cerebellum

A02.6 Excision of lesion of tissue of brain stem A02.8 Other specified

A02.9 Unspecified

A04 Open biopsy of lesion of tissue of brain (Clean)

Includes: Tissue of brain

A04.1 Open biopsy of lesion of tissue of frontal lobe of brain

A04.2 Open biopsy of lesion of tissue of temporal lobe of brain

A04.3 Open biopsy of lesion of tissue of parietal lobe of brain

A04.4 Open biopsy of lesion of tissue of occipital lobe of brain

A04.5 Open biopsy of lesion of tissue of cerebellum

A04.6 Open biopsy of lesion of tissue of brain stem

A04.8 Other specified

A04.9 Unspecified

A05 Drainage of lesion of tissue of brain (Clean)

Excludes: Drainage of subarachnoid space of brain (A22.1) Drainage of extradural space (A40)

A05.1 Drainage of abscess of tissue of brain

A05.2 Evacuation of haematoma from temporal lobe of brain

A05.3 Evacuation of haematoma from cerebellum

A05.4 Evacuation of intracerebral haematoma NEC

A05.8 Other specified

A05.9 Unspecified

A07 Other open operations on tissue of brain (Clean)

A07.1 Open division of tissue of brain

A07.2 Removal of foreign body from tissue of brain

A07.3 Exploration of tissue of brain

A07.4 Excision of abscess of tissue of brain

A07.5 Multiple subpial transections

A07.6 Complete callosotomy A07.7 Partial callosotomy

A07.8 Other specified

A07.9 Unspecified

A09 Neurostimulation of brain (Clean)

Includes: Neurostimulation of brainstem

A09.1 Implantation of brain neurostimulator

A09.2 Maintenance of brain neurostimulator

A09.3 Removal of brain neurostimulator

A09.4 Operation on brain neurostimulator NEC

A09.5 Insertion of neurostimulator electrodes into the brain

A09.8 Other specified

A09.9 Unspecified

A10 Other operations on tissue of brain (Clean)

Note: Principal category, extended at

A11 A10.1 Leucotomy NEC

A10.6 Insertion of carmustine wafers in neoplasm of tissue of brain

A11 Operations on tissue of brain (Clean)

Note: Principal A10

A11.1 Placement of depth electrodes for electroencephalography

A11.2 Placement of surface electrodes for electroencephalography

A11.3 Monitoring of pressure in tissue of brain

Excludes: Monitoring of pressure in ventricle of brain (A20.3)

A11.8 Other specified

A11.9 Unspecified

A38 Extirpation of lesion of meninges of brain (Clean)

Note: Principal category, extended at A43

A38.1 Extirpation of lesion of meninges of cortex of brain

A38.2 Extirpation of lesion of meninges of sphenoidal ridge of cranium

A38.3 Extirpation of lesion of meninges of subfrontal region of brain

A38.4 Extirpation of lesion of meninges of parasagittal region of brain

A38.5 Extirpation of lesion of falx cerebri

A38.6 Extirpation of lesion of tentorium cerebelli A38.8 Other specified

A38.9 Unspecified

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
A39 Repair of dura (Clean)

A39.1 Repair of meningoencephalocele

A39.2 Repair of dura of anterior fossa of cranium

A39.3 Repair of dura of middle fossa of cranium

A39.4 Repair of dura of posterior fossa of cranium

A39.5 Repair of dura of vault of cranium

A39.8 Other specified

A39.9 Unspecified

A40 Drainage of extradural space (Clean)

A40.1 Evacuation of extradural haematoma

A40.8 Other specified

A40.9 Unspecified drainage of extradural space

A41 Drainage of subdural space (Clean)

A41.1 Evacuation of subdural haematoma

A41.2 Drainage of abscess of subdural space

A41.8 Other specified

A41.9 Unspecified

A42 Other operations on meninges of brain (Clean)

A42.1 Creation of anastomosis of dura

A42.2 Biopsy of lesion of meninges of brain

A42.8 Other specified

A42.9 Unspecified

A43 Other extirpation of lesion of meninges of brain (Clean)

Note: Principal A38

A43.1 Extirpation of lesion of meninges of skull base

A43.2 Extirpation of lesion of meninges of skull clivus A43.8 Other specified

A43.9 Unspecified

B01 Excision of pituitary gland (Clean)

B01.1 Transethmoidal hypophysectomy

B01.2 Trans-sphenoidal hypophysectomy

B01.3 Trans-septal hypophysectomy

B01.4 Transcranial hypophysectomy

B01.8 Other specified

B01.9 Unspecified

Includes: Hypophysectomy NEC

B02 Destruction of pituitary gland (Clean)

B02.1 Cryotherapy to pituitary gland

B02.2 Implantation of radioactive substance into pituitary gland Note: Use an additional code to specify radiotherapy delivery (X65)

B02.3 Injection of destructive substance into pituitary gland NEC

B02.8 Other specified

B02.9 Unspecified

B04 Other operations on pituitary gland (Clean)

Includes: Pituitary stalk (B04.5)

B04.1 Excision of lesion of pituitary gland

B04.2 Biopsy of lesion of pituitary gland

Includes: Biopsy of pituitary gland

B04.3 Decompression of pituitary gland

B04.4 Exploration of pituitary gland

B04.5 Operations on pituitary stalk

B04.8 Other specified

B04.9 Unspecified

B06 Operations on pineal gland (Clean)

B06.1 Excision of pineal gland

B06.8 Other specified

B06.9 Unspecified

L33 Operations on aneurysm of cerebral artery (Clean)

Includes: Artery of circle of Willis

L33.1 Excision of aneurysm of cerebral artery

L33.2 Clipping of aneurysm of cerebral artery

L33.3 Ligation of aneurysm of cerebral artery NEC

L33.4 Obliteration of aneurysm of cerebral artery NEC

L33.8 Other specified

L33.9 Unspecified

L34 Other open operations on cerebral artery (Clean)

Includes: Artery of circle of Willis

L34.1 Reconstruction of cerebral artery

L34.2 Anastomosis of cerebral artery

L34.3 Open embolectomy of cerebral artery

Includes: Open thrombectomy of cerebral artery Embolectomy of cerebral artery NEC Thrombectomy of cerebral artery NEC

L34.4 Open embolisation of cerebral artery

L34.8 Other specified

L34.9 Unspecified

Bones and Joints of Skull and Spine

The minimum wound class for cranial surgery is clean.

V01 Plastic repair of cranium (Clean)

V01.1 Cranioplasty using prosthesis

V01.2 Cranioplasty using bone graft

V01.3 Opening of suture of cranium

V01.4 Removal of prosthesis from cranium

V01.5 Revision of cranioplasty NEC

V01.6 Strip craniectomy

V01.7 Strip craniectomy with remodelling of cranial bones HFQ

V01.8 Other specified

V01.9 Unspecified

V03 Opening of cranium (Clean)

Note: Do not use as approach code (Y46, Y47)

V03.1 Exploratory open craniotomy

Includes: Open craniotomy

V03.2 Re opening of cranium and re-exploration of intracranial operation site and surgical arrest of postoperative bleeding

V03.3 Re opening of cranium and re-exploration of intracranial operation site NEC V03.4 Re opening of cranium NEC

V03.5 Trephine of cranium

V03.6 Exploratory burrhole of cranium V03.7 Decompressive craniectomy

V03.8 Other specified

V03.9 Unspecified

Includes: Exploratory craniotomy NEC Craniotomy NEC

V04 Reshaping of cranium (Clean)

V04.1 Fitting dynamic cranioplasty bands

V04.8 Other specified

V04.9 Unspecified

V05 Other operations on cranium (Clean)

V05.1 Extirpation of lesion of cranium

V05.4 Repair of fracture of cranium NEC

V05.5 Graft of bone to cranium

V05.6 Transpetrous excision of lesion of jugular foramen

V05.7 Hemicraniotomy

V05.8 Other specified

V05.9 Unspecified

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.

Gastric Surgery

Incision, excision or anastomosis of stomach, including partial or total gastrectomy, vagotomy, pyloromyotomy, pyloroplasty and gastroenterostomy.

These can be included in the surveillance using the following as a secondary code to indicate the laparoscopic approach For example, a laparoscopic assisted Oesophagogastrectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to stomach would be given a primary procedure code of G01.1 and a secondary code of Y75.1.

Please see minimum wound class against each procedure

Y75.1 Laparoscopically assisted approach to the abdominal cavity

Y75.2 Laparoscopic approach to the abdominal cavity not elsewhere classified.

A27 Extracranial extirpation of vagus nerve (vagotomy) * (Clean)

A27.1 Extracranial truncal vagotomy

Includes: Truncal vagotomy

A27.2 Proximal gastric vagotomy

Includes: Highly selective vagotomy and parietal cell vagotomy A27.3 Selective extracranial vagotomy not elsewhere classified Includes: Selective vagotomy not elsewhere classified

A27.8 Other specified

A27.9 Unspecified

Includes: Vagotomy not elsewhere

*Note: For vagotomy as a single procedure the minimum wound class is clean.

For vagotomy associated with concurrent gastroenterostomy or incision of pylorus, the minimum wound class is clean-contaminated.

G01 Excision of oesophagus and stomach (oesophagogastrectomy) (Clean-contaminated)

G01.1 Oesophagogastrectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to stomach

G01.2 Oesophagogastrectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to transposed jejunum

G01.3 Oesophagogastrectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to jejunum not elsewhere classified

G01.8 Other specified

G01.9 Unspecified

G24 Antireflux operation (Clean-contaminated)

G24.1 Antireflux fundoplication using thoracic approach

G24.2 Antireflux operation using thoracic approach not elsewhere classified G24.3 Antireflux fundoplication using abdominal approach

G24.4 Antireflux gastropexy

G24.5 Gastroplasty and antireflux procedure however further qualified G24.6 Insertion of angelchick prosthesis

G24.8 Other specified

G24.9 Unspecified

G25 Revision of antireflux operations (Clean-contaminated)

G25.1 Revision of fundoplication of stomach

G25.2 Adjustment to angelchick prosthesis

G25.3 Removal of angelchick prosthesis

G25.8 Other specified

G25.9 Unspecified

G27 Total excision of stomach (total gastrectomy) (Clean-contaminated)

G27.1 Total gastrectomy and excision of surrounding tissue

G27.2 Total gastrectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to duodenum

G27.3 Total gastrectomy and interposition of jejunum

G27.4 Total gastrectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to transposed jejunum

G27.5 Total gastrectomy and anastomosis of oesophagus to jejunum not elsewhere classified

G27.8 Other specified total excision of stomach

G27.9 Unspecified total excision of stomach 

Please see minimum wound class against each procedure

G28 Partial excision of stomach (partial gastrectomy) (Clean-contaminated)

G28.1 Partial gastrectomy and anastomosis of stomach to duodenum

G28.2 Partial gastrectomy and anastomosis of stomach to transposed jejunum

G28.3 Partial gastrectomy and anastomosis of stomach to jejunum not elsewhere classified

G28.4 Sleeve gastrectomy and duodenal switch

G28.5 Sleeve gastrectomy NEC

G28.8 Other specified partial excision of stomach

G28.9 Unspecified partial excision of stomach

Includes: Gastrectomy not elsewhere classified

G30 Plastic operations on stomach (Clean-contaminated)

G30.1 Gastroplasty not elsewhere classified

G30.2 Partitioning of stomach

G30.3 Partitioning of stomach using band

G30.4 Partitioning of stomach using staples

G30.8 Other specified plastic operations on the stomach

G30.9 Unspecified plastic operations on the stomach

G31 Connection of stomach to duodenum (Clean-contaminated)

Excludes: Connection of stomach to duodenum when associated with concurrent excision of stomach (G27.2 and G28.1)

G31.1 Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of oesophagus to duodenum

G31.2 Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to duodenum

G31.3 Revision of anastomosis of stomach to duodenum

G31.4 Conversion to anastomosis of stomach to duodenum

G31.5 Closure of connection of stomach to duodenum

G31.6 Attention to connection of stomach to duodenum

G31.8 Other specified connection of stomach to duodenum

G31.9 Unspecified connection of stomach to duodenum

G31.0 Conversion from previous anastomosis of stomach to duodenum

G32 Connection of stomach to transposed jejunum (Clean- contaminated)

Excludes: Connection of stomach to transposed jejunum when associated with concurrent excision of stomach (G27.4 and G28.2)

G32.1 Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to transposed jejunum

G32.2 Revision of anastomosis of stomach to transposed jejunum

G32.3 Conversion to anastomosis of stomach to transposed jejunum

G32.4 Closure of connection of stomach to transposed jejunum

G32.5 Attention to connection of stomach to transposed jejunum

G32.8 Other specified connection of stomach to transposed jejunum

G32.9 Unspecified connection of stomach to transposed jejunum

G32.0 Conversion from previous anastomosis of stomach to transposed duodenum

G33 Other connection of stomach to jejunum (Clean-contaminated)

Excludes: Connection of stomach to jejunum when associated with concurrent excision of stomach not elsewhere classified (G27.5 and G28.3)

G33.1 Bypass of stomach by anastomosis of stomach to jejunum not elsewhere classified Includes: Gastroenterostomy not elsewhere classified

G33.2 Revision of anastomosis of stomach to jejunum not elsewhere classified

G33.3 Conversion to anastomosis of stomach to jejunum not elsewhere classified

G33.4 Open reduction of intussusception of gastroenterostomy

G33.5 Closure of connection of stomach to jejunum NEC

G33.6 Attention to connection of stomach to jejunum

G33.8 Other specified other connection of stomach to jejunum

G33.9 Unspecified other connection of stomach to jejunum

G33.0 Conversion from previous anastomosis of stomach to jejunum not elsewhere classified

G35.1 Closure of perforated ulcer of stomach (Contaminated)

G35.2 Closure of ulcer of stomach not elsewhere classified (Clean-contaminated) Includes: Suture of ulcer of stomach not elsewhere classified

G35.8 Other specified operations on ulcer of stomach

G35.9 Unspecified operations on ulcer of stomach

G36 Other repair of stomach

G36.1 Gastropexy not elsewhere classified (Clean-contaminated)

G36.2 Closure of perforation of stomach (Contaminated)

G36.3 Closure of abnormal opening of stomach not elsewhere classified (Clean-contaminated) G36.8 Other specified other repair of stomach

G36.9 Unspecified other repair of stomach

G38 Other open operations on stomach

G38.5 Incision of stomach not elsewhere classified (Clean-contaminated) Includes: Gastrotomy not elsewhere classified

G38.7 Removal of gastric band

G40 Incision of pylorus (Clean-contaminated)

G40.1 Pyloromyotomy

G40.2 Repair of congenital atresia of pylorus

G40.3 Pyloroplasty not elsewhere classified

G40.4 Revision of pylorplasty

G40.5 Closure of pylorplasty G40.6 Open dilation of pylorus

G40.8 Other specified incision of pylorus

G40.9 Unspecified incision of pylorus

G41 Repair of perforation of pylorus

G41.2 Repair of perforation of pylorus (Contaminated)

Hip replacement

Replacement of the hip joint, including resurfacing of any part of the joint, revision of a previous replacement and conversion from a previous hemiarthroplasty or bone fixation. Excludes replacement of head of femur alone (see Repair of neck of femur).

The minimum wound class for hip replacement surgery is clean.

W37 Total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement (Clean)

W37.1 Primary total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement

W37.2 Conversion to total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement

W37.3 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement

W37.4 Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement. W37.8 Other specified total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement

W37.9 Unspecified total prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement

W37.0 Conversion from previous cemented total prosthetic replacement of hip joint

W38 Total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement (Clean)

W38.1 Primary total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement

W38.2 Conversion to total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement

W38.3 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement

W38.4 Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement W38.8 Other specified total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement

W38.9 Unspecified total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not using cement

W38.0 Conversion from previous uncemented total prosthetic replacement of hip joint

W39 Other total prosthetic replacement of hip joint (Clean)

W39.1 Primary total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not elsewhere classified

W39.2 Conversion to total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not elsewhere classified

W39.3 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not elsewhere classified

W39.5 Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not elsewhere classified

W39.8 Other specified other total prosthetic replacement of hip joint

W39.9 Unspecified other total prosthetic replacement of hip joint

W39.0 Conversion from previous total prosthetic replacement of hip joint not elsewhere classified

W93 Hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented acetabular component (Clean)

W93.1 Primary hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented acetabular component

W93.2 Conversion to hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented acetabular component

W93.3 Revision of hybrid prosthetic replacement of hp joint using cemented acetabular component

W93.8 Other specified

W93.9 Unspecified

W93.0 Conversion from previous hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented acetabular component

W94 Hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented femoral component (Clean)

W94.1 Primary hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented femoral component W94.2 Conversion to hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented femoral


W94.3 Revision of hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented femoral component.

W94.8 Other specified

W94.9 Unspecified

W94.0 Conversion from previous hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cemented femoral component.

W95 Hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement (Clean)

Includes: Hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint NEC

W95.1 Primary hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement NEC

W95.2 Conversion of hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement NEC

W95.3 Revision of hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement NEC

W95.4 Attention to hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement NEC

W95.8 Other specified

W95.9 Unspecified

W95.0 Conversion from previous hybrid prosthetic replacement of hip joint using cement NEC

Resurfacing of hip joint

W58 Other reconstruction of joint (Clean)

Exclude: Some similar operations for correction of congenital deformity (X19-X27) W58.1 Primary resurfacing arthroplasty of joint

W58.2 Revision of resurfacing arthroplasty of joint

W58.8 Other Specified

W58.9 Unspecified

W58.0 Conversion from previous resurfacing arthroplasty of joint

Replacement of acetabulum

(Please note that those codes are also used for partial knee replacement procedures).

W52 Prosthetic replacement of articulation of other bone using cement (Clean)

Includes: Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of articulation of bone using cement not elsewhere classified

W52.1 Primary prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone using cement not elsewhere classified

W52.2 Conversions to prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone using cement not elsewhere classified

W52.3 Revision of prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone using cement not elsewhere classified

W52.8 Other specified

W52.9 Unspecified

W52.0 Conversion from previous cemented prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified

W53 Prosthetic replacement of articulation of other bone not using cement (Clean)

Includes: Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of articulation of bone not using cement not elsewhere classified

W53.1 Primary prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not using cement not elsewhere classified

W53.2 Conversions to prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not using cement not elsewhere classified

W53.3 Revision of prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not using cement not elsewhere classified

W53.8 Other specified

W53.9 Unspecified

W53.0 Conversion from previous uncemented prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified

W54 Other prosthetic replacement of other bone (Clean)

Includes: Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified

W54.1 Primary prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified

W54.2 Conversion to prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified W54.3 Revision of prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified W54.8 Other specified

W54.9 Unspecified

W54.0 Conversion from previous prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified

Knee replacement

Replacement of all or part of knee joint (with or without patella resurfacing), including revision of a previous replacement. Patella resurfacing and patella replacement are not included in the surveillance.

The minimum wound class for knee replacement surgery is clean.

W40 Total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement (Clean)

W40.1 Primary total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement

W40.2 Conversion to total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement

W40.3 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement

W40.4 Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement W40.8 Other specified total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement

W40.9 Unspecified total prosthetic replacement of knee joint using cement

W40.0 Conversion from previous cemented total prosthetic replacement of knee joint

W41 Total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement (Clean)

W41.1 Primary total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement

W41.2 Conversion to total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement

W41.3 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement

W41.4 Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement.

W41.8 Other specified total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement

W41.9 Unspecified total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not using cement

W41.0 Conversion from previous uncemented total prosthetic replacement of knee joint

W42 Other total prosthetic replacement of knee joint (Clean)

W42.1 Primary total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not elsewhere classified

W42.2 Conversion to total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not elsewhere classified

W42.3 Revision of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not elsewhere classified

W42.8 Other specified

W42.9 Unspecified

W42.0 Conversion from previous total prosthetic replacement of knee joint not elsewhere classified

Unicompartmental (partial) knee replacements (Clean)

W42.5 Revision of one component of total prosthetic replacement of knee joint NEC

W52 Prosthetic replacement of articulation of other bone using cement (Clean)

Includes: Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of articulation of bone using cement not elsewhere classified

W52.1 Primary prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone using cement not elsewhere classified

W52.2 Conversions to prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone using cement not elsewhere classified

W52.3 Revision of prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone using cement not elsewhere classified

W52.8 Other specified

W52.9 Unspecified

W52.0 Conversion from previous cemented prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified

W53 Prosthetic replacement of articulation of other bone not using cement (Clean)

Includes: Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of articulation of bone not using cement not elsewhere classified

W53.1 Primary prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not using cement not elsewhere classified

W53.2 Conversions to prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not using cement not elsewhere classified

W53.3 Revision of prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not using cement not elsewhere classified

W53.8 Other specified

W53.9 Unspecified

W53.0 Conversion from previous uncemented prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified

W54 Other prosthetic replacement of other bone (Clean)

Includes: Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified

W54.1 Primary prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified

W54.2 Conversion to prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified W54.3 Revision of prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified W54.8 Other specified

W54.9 Unspecified

W54.0 Conversion from previous prosthetic replacement of articulation of bone not elsewhere classified

Resurfacing of knee joint

W58 Other reconstruction of joint (Clean)

Exclude: Some similar operations for correction of congenital deformity (X19-X27) W58.1 Primary resurfacing arthroplasty of joint

W58.2 Revision of resurfacing arthroplasty of joint

W58.8 Other specified other reconstruction of joint

W58.9 Unspecified other reconstruction of joint

W58.0 Conversion from previous resurfacing arthroplasty of joint

Large bowel surgery

Incision, excision or anastomosis of the large bowel, including procedures that involve anastomosis of small to large bowel.

Note: For emergency operations on unprepared bowel, or obstructed bowel, the minimum wound class is contaminated.

Laparoscopic ‘assisted’ procedures

These can be included in the surveillance using the following Y75 .codes as a secondary code to indicate the laparoscopic approach. For example, a laparoscopic assisted right hemicolectomy would be given a primary procedure code of H07.1 and a secondary code of Y75.1.

Y75.1 Laparoscopically assisted approach to the abdominal cavity.

Y75.2 Laparoscopic approach to the abdominal cavity not elsewhere classified.

Please see minimum wound class against each procedure.

Bypass of small bowel to large bowel

Includes: Bypass of small bowel by anastomosis of small bowel to large bowel

G51.4 Bypass of duodenum by anastomosis of duodenum to colon (Clean-contaminated) G58.3 Total jejunectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to colon*

G58.5 Partial jejunectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to colon*

G61.3 Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to colon (Clean-contaminated)

G69.4 Ileectomy and anastomosis of ileum to colon (Clean-contaminated)

G71.3 Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to caecum (Clean-contaminated)

G71.4 Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to transverse colon (Clean-contaminated)

G71.5 Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to colon not elsewhere classified (Clean-


Includes: Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to rectum

*Note: Jejunectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to colon (G58.3, G58.5) are usually emergency operations for ischaemia. The minimum wound class is then contaminated.

G72 Other connection of ileum (Clean-contaminated)

Includes: Anastomosis of small bowel to large bowel not elsewhere classified

Excludes: When associated with concurrent excision of ileum (G69.4) G72.1 Anastomosis of ileum to caecum

G72.2 Anastomosis of ileum to transverse colon

G72.3 Anastomosis of ileum to colon not elsewhere classified

G72.4 Anastomosis of ileum to rectum

G72.5 Anastomosis of ileum to anus and creation of pouch however further qualified

G72.8 Other specified

G72.9 Unspecified

H04 Total excision of colon and rectum (Clean-Contaminated)

H04.1 Panproctocolectomy and ileostomy

Includes: Proctocolectomy not elsewhere classified

H04.2 Panproctocolectomy and anastomosis of ileum to anus and creation of pouch however further qualified

H04.3 Panproctocolectomy and anastomosis of ileum to anus not elsewhere classified

H04.8 Other specified

H04.9 Unspecified

H05 Total excision of colon (Clean-Contaminated)

H05.1 Total colectomy and anastomosis of ileum to rectum

H05.2 Total colectomy and ileostomy and creation of rectal fistula however further qualified H05.3 Total colectomy and ileostomy not elsewhere classified

H05.8 Other specified

H05.9 Unspecified

H06 Extended excision of right hemicolon (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Excision of right colon and other segment of ileum or colon and surrounding tissue

H06.1 Extended right hemicolectomy and end to end anastomosis

H06.2 Extended right hemicolectomy and anastomosis of ileum to colon

H06.3 Extended right hemicolectomy and anastomosis not elsewhere classified

H06.4 Extended right hemicolectomy and ileostomy however further qualified

H06.5 Extended right hemicolectomy and end to side anastomosis

H06.8 Other specified H06.9 Unspecified

H07 Other excision of right hemicolon (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Limited excision of caecum and terminal ileum caecum

H07.1 Right hemicolectomy and end to end anastomosis of ileum to colon

Includes: Ileocaecal resection

H07.2 Right hemicolectomy and side to side anastomosis of ileum to transverse colon

H07.3 Right hemicolectomy and anastomosis not elsewhere classified

H07.4 Right hemicolectomy and ileostomy however further qualified

H07.5 Right hemicolectomy and end to side anastomosis

H07.8 Other specified

H07.9 Unspecified

H08 Excision of transverse colon (Clean-Contaminated)

H08.1 Transverse colectomy and end to end anastomosis

H08.2 Transverse colectomy and anastomosis of ileum to colon

H08.3 Transverse colectomy and anastomosis not elsewhere classified

H08.4 Transverse colectomy and ileostomy however further qualified

H08.5 Transverse colectomy and exteriorisation of bowel not elsewhere classified* H08.6 Transverse colectomy and end to side anastomosis

H08.8 Other specified

H08.9 Unspecified

*Note: Use secondary code for exteriorisation of caecum (H14) or other exteriorisation of colon (H15)

H09 Excision of left hemicolon (Clean-Contaminated)

H09.1 Left hemicolectomy and end to end anastomosis of colon to rectum

H09.2 Left hemicolectomy and end to end anastomosis of colon to colon

H09.3 Left hemicolectomy and anastomosis not elsewhere classified

H09.4 Left hemicolectomy and ileostomy however further qualified

H09.5 Left hemicolectomy and exteriorisation of bowel not elsewhere classified* H09.6 Left hemicolectomy and end to side anastomosis

H09.8 Other specified

H09.9 Unspecified

*Note: Use secondary code for exteriorisation of caecum (H14) or other exteriorisation of colon (H15)

H10 Excision of sigmoid colon (Clean-Contaminated)

H10.1 Sigmoid colectomy and end to end anastomosis of ileum to rectum

H10.2 Sigmoid colectomy and anastomosis of colon to rectum

H10.3 Sigmoid colectomy and anastomosis not elsewhere classified

H10.4 Sigmoid colectomy and ileostomy however further qualified

H10.5 Sigmoid colectomy and exteriorisation of bowel not elsewhere classified* H10.6 Sigmoid colectomy and end to side anastomosis

H10.8 Other specified H10.9 Unspecified

*Note: Use secondary code for exteriorisation of caecum (H14) or other exteriorisation of colon (H15)

H11 Other excision of colon (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Excision of colon where segment removed is not stated

H11.1 Colectomy and end to end anastomosis of colon to colon not elsewhere classified

H11.2 Colectomy and side to side anastomosis of ileum to colon not elsewhere classified

H11.3 Colectomy and anastomosis not elsewhere classified

H11.4 Colectomy and ileostomy not elsewhere classified

H11.5 Colectomy and exteriorisation of bowel not elsewhere classified* H11.6 Colectomy and end to side anastomosis NEC

H11.8 Other specified

H11.9 Unspecified

Includes: Colectomy or hemicolectomy not elsewhere classified

*Note: Use secondary code for exteriorisation of caecum (H14) or other exteriorisation of colon (H15)

H12 Extirpation of lesion of colon

Includes: Caecum

H12.1 Excision of diverticulum of colon (Dirty)

H12.2 Excision of lesion of colon to not elsewhere classified H12.3 Destruction of lesion of colon not elsewhere classified H12.8 Other specified

H12.9 Unspecified

H13 Bypass of colon (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Caecum

Excludes: Bypass of colon when associated with excision of colon (H04-H11) H13.1 Bypass of colon by anastomosis of ileum to colon

H13.2 Bypass of colon by anastomosis of caecum to sigmoid colon

H13.3 Bypass of colon by anastomosis of transverse colon to sigmoid colon H13.4 Bypass of colon by anastomosis of transverse colon to rectum

H13.5 Bypass of colon by anastomosis of colon to rectum not elsewhere classified H13.8 Other specified

H13.9 Unspecified

H14 Exteriorisation of caecum (Contaminated)

H14.1 Tube caecostomy

H14.2 Refashioning of caecostomy H14.3 Closure of caecostomy H14.8 Other specified

H14.9 Unspecified

Includes: Caecostomy not elsewhere classified

H15 Other exteriorisation of colon

Excludes: Dilatation of colostomy (H15.5) H15.1 Loop colostomy (Clean-Contaminated) H15.2 End colostomy (Clean-Contaminated) H15.3 Refashioning of colostomy (Contaminated) H15.4 Closure of colostomy (Contaminated)

H15.6 Reduction of prolapse of colostomy (Clean-Contaminated) H15.8 Other specified

H15.9 Unspecified

Includes: colostomy not elsewhere classified

Please see minimum wound class against each procedure.

H16 Incision of colon (Clean contaminated)

Includes: Caecum H16.1 Drainage of colon

Includes: Drainage of pericolonic tissue H16.2 Caecotomy

H16.3 Colotomy H16.8 Other specified H16.9 Unspecified

H29 Subtotal excision of colon and rectum (Clean contaminated)

H29.1 Subtotal excision of colon and rectum and creation of colonic pouch and anastomosis of colon to anus

H29.2 Subtotal excision of colon and rectum and creation of colonic pouch NEC

H29.3 Subtotal excision of colon and creation of colonic pouch and anastomosis of colon to rectum.

H29.4 Subtotal excision of colon and creation of colonic pouch NEC

H29.8 Other specified subtotal excision of colon

H29.9 Unspecified subtotal excision of colon

H33 Excision of rectum (Clean contaminated)

Includes: Excision of whole or part of rectum with or without part of sigmoid colon H33.1 Abdominoperineal excision of rectum and end colostomy

H33.2 Proctectomy and anastomosis of colon to anus

H33.3 Anterior resection of rectum and anastomosis of colon to rectum using staples Includes: Rectosigmoidectomy and anastomosis of colon to rectum

H33.4 Anterior resection of rectum and anastomosis not elsewhere classified

H33.5 Rectosigmoidectomy and closure of rectal stump and exteriorisation of bowel* H33.6 Anterior resection of rectum and exteriorisation of bowel*

H33.7 Perineal resection of rectum HFQ H33.8 Other specified

33.9 Unspecified

Includes: Rectosigmoidectomy not elsewhere classified

*Note: Use secondary code for creation of artificial opening into ileum (G74); exteriorisation of caecum (H14) or other exteriorisation of colon (H15)

Limb amputation

Total or partial amputation or disarticulation of the upper or lower limbs, including digits             Wound class: Amputations where the limb is ischaemic, or where dry gangrene is present should be classified as clean. Amputations through, or adjacent to, an area of acute inflammation (without pus or ulceration) should be classified as contaminated. Amputations adjacent to, or through necrotic ulcers and/or purulent areas should be classified as dirty.

X07 Amputation of arm (See note above)

X07.1 Forequarter amputation

X07.2 Disarticulation of shoulder

X07.3 Amputation of arm above elbow

X07.4 Amputation of arm through elbow

X07.5 Amputation of arm through forearm

X07.8 Other specified

X07.9 Unspecified

X08 Amputation of hand (See note above)

X08.1 Amputation of hand at wrist

X08.2 Amputation of thumb

Excludes: Amputation of duplicate thumb (X21.5)

X08.3 Amputation of phalanx of finger

X08.4 Amputation of finger not elsewhere classified Excludes: Amputation of supernumerary finger (X21.6)

X08.8 Other specified

X08.9 Unspecified

X09 Amputation of leg (See note above)

X09.1 Hindquarter amputation

X09.2 Disarticulation of hip

X09.3 Amputation of leg above knee

X09.4 Amputation of leg through knee

X09.5 Amputation of leg below knee

X09.8 Other specified

X09.9 Unspecified

X10 Amputation of foot (See note above)

X10.1 Amputation of foot through ankle

X10.2 Disarticulation of tarsal bones

X10.3 Disarticulation of metatarsal bones

X10.4 Amputation through metatarsal bones

X10.8 Other specified

X10.9 Unspecified

X11 Amputation of toe (See note above)

Excludes: Amputation of supernumerary toe (27.3)

X11.1 Amputation of great toe

X11.2 Amputation of phalanx of toe

X11.8 Other specified

X11.9 Unspecified

Includes: Disarticulation of toe

Reduction of long bone fracture (humerus, ulna, radius, femur, tibia and fibula)

Includes open or closed reduction of fracture of long bones requiring intramedullary or extramedullary fixation where an incision is made to establish fixation. Excludes: external fixation, hip replacement following fracture, fracture of the neck of femur or open reduction of small bones or intraarticular fracture.

Note: If the fracture is open and the operation is performed within the first 10 hours, the minimum wound class is contaminated. If the operation is performed after 10 hours, the minimum wound class is dirty.

The minimum wound class for reduction of long bone surgery is clean.

W19 Primary open reduction of fracture of bone and intramedullary fixation* (Clean)

Includes: Open reduction of fracture of bone and intramedullary fixation not elsewhere classified

Excludes: Fracture dislocation

Primary open reduction of fracture of small bone and fixation using screw


W19.2 Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and fixation using rigid nail (reamed and locked) not elsewhere classified

W19.3 Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and fixation using flexible nail (unreamed and locked)

W19.5 Primary open reduction of fragment of bone and fixation using screw

W19.6 Primary open reduction of fragment of bone and fixation using wire system

W19.8 Other specified

W19.9 Unspecified

W20 Primary open reduction of fracture of bone and extramedullary fixation (Clean)


Primary open reduction of fracture of bone and fixation not elsewhere classified

Open reduction of fracture of bone and extramedullary fixation not elsewhere classified Open reduction of fracture of bone and fixation not elsewhere classified

Excludes: Fracture dislocation (W65) Wiring of sternum (W20.6)

W20.1 Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and extramedullary fixation using plate not elsewhere classified

W20.2 Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and extramedullary fixation using circlage

W20.3 Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and extramedullary fixation using suture

W20.4 Primary open reduction of fracture of long bone and extramedullary fixation not elsewhere classified

W20.5 Primary open reduction of fracture of ankle and extramedular fixation not elsewhere classified

W20.8 Other specified

W20.9 Unspecified primary open reduction of fracture of bone and extramedullary fixation

W22 Other primary reduction of fracture of bone (Clean)

Includes: Open reduction of fracture of bone not elsewhere classified Excludes: Fracture dislocation (W65)

W22.1 Primary open reduction of fracture of bone and skeletal traction HFQ

W22.2 Primary open reduction of fracture of bone and external fixation HFQ

W22.8 Other specified

W22.9 Unspecified

HFQ: however further qualified

W23 Secondary open reduction of fracture of bone (Clean)

Excludes: Secondary open reduction of intraarticular fracture of bone

(W23.3) W23.1 Secondary open reduction of fracture of bone and intramedullary fixation HFQ W23.2 Secondary open reduction of fracture of bone and extramedullary fixation HFQ

W23.4 Secondary open reduction of fracture of bone and skeletal traction HFQ

W23.5 Secondary open reduction of fracture of bone and external fixation HFQ

W23.6 Secondary open reduction of fracture of bone and internal fixation HFQ

W23.8 Other specified

W23.9 Unspecified

W24 Closed reduction of fracture of bone and internal fixation (Clean)

W24.2 Closed reduction of fracture of long bone and rigid internal fixation NEC

W24.3 Closed reduction of fracture of long bone and flexible internal fixation HFQ

W24.5 Closed reduction of fragment of bone and fixation using screw

W24.6 Closed reduction of fracture of bone and fixation using nail or screw

HFQ: however further qualified

Repair of neck of femur

Includes hemiarthoplasty, that is, replacement of the head of femur only, including revision of a previous hemiarthroplasty (but excluding conversion to total joint replacement) and reduction of fracture of the neck of femur using pin and plate, dynamic hip screw or cannulated screw.

The minimum wound class for repair of neck of femur surgery is clean.

W46 Prosthetic replacement of head of femur using cement (Clean)

Includes: Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of head of femur using cement

W46.1 Primary prosthetic replacement of head of femur using cement

W46.2 Conversion to prosthetic replacement of head of femur using cement

W46.3 Revision of prosthetic replacement of head of femur using cement

W46.8 Other specified

W46.9 Unspecified

W46.0 Conversion from previous cemented prosthetic replacement of head of femur

W47 Prosthetic replacement of head of femur not using cement (Clean)

Includes: Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of head of femur not using cement

W47.1 Primary prosthetic replacement of head of femur not using cement

W47.2 Conversion to prosthetic replacement of head of femur not using cement

W47.3 Revision of prosthetic replacement of head of femur not using cement

W47.8 Other specified

W47.9 Unspecified

W47.0 Conversion from previous uncemented prosthetic replacement of head of femur

W48 Other prosthetic replacement of head of femur (Clean)

Includes: Prosthetic hemiarthroplasty of head of femur not elsewhere classified

W48.1 Primary prosthetic replacement of head of femur not elsewhere classified

W48.2 Conversion to prosthetic replacement of head of femur not elsewhere classified

W48.3 Revision of prosthetic replacement of head of femur not elsewhere classified

W48.8 Other specified

W48.9 Unspecified

W48.0 Conversion from previous prosthetic replacement of head of femur not elsewhere classified

W19 Reduction of fracture of the neck of femur (Clean)

W19.1 Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using pin and plate

Includes: Primary open reduction of fracture of neck of femur and open fixation using dynamic hip screw

W24.1 Closed reduction of intracapsular fracture of the neck of femur and fixation using nail or screw


Small bowel surgery

Incision, excision or anastomosis of small intestine, excluding procedures which involve anastomosis of small to large bowel.

Laparoscopic ‘assisted’ procedures

These can be included in the surveillance using the following Y75 .codes as a secondary code to indicate the laparoscopic approach  For example, a laparoscopic assisted closure of perforated ulcer of duodenum would be given a primary procedure code of

G52.1 and a secondary code of Y75.1.

Y75.1 Laparoscopically assisted approach to the abdominal cavity

Y75.2 Laparoscopic approach to the abdominal cavity not elsewhere classified.

Please see minimum wound class against each procedure.

G49 Excision of duodenum (Clean-Contaminated)

Excludes: Pancreaticoduodenectomy (J56)

G49.1 Gastroduodenectomy

G49.2 Total excision of duodenum

G49.3 Partial excision of duodenum

G49.8 Other specified

G49.9 Unspecified

Includes: Duodenectomy not elsewhere classified

G50 Open extirpation of lesion of duodenum (Clean-Contaminated)

G50.1 Excision of lesion of duodenum

G50.2 Open destruction of lesion of duodenum

G50.8 Other specified

G50.9 Unspecified

G51 Bypass of duodenum (Clean-Contaminated)

Excludes: Bypass of duodenum by anastomosis of duodenum to colon (G51.4)

G51.1 Bypass of duodenum by anastomosis of stomach to jejunum

G51.2 Bypass of duodenum by anastomosis of duodenum to duodenum

G51.3 Bypass of duodenum by anastomosis of duodenum to jejunum

G51.8 Other specified

G51.9 Unspecified

G52 Operations on ulcer of duodenum

G52.1 Closure of perforated ulcer of duodenum (Contaminated)

G52.2 Suture of ulcer of duodenum not elsewhere classified (Clean-Contaminated)

G52.3 Oversew of blood vessel of duodenal ulcer

G52.8 Other specified G52.9 Unspecified

G53 Other open operations on duodenum


Open biopsy of lesion of duodenum (G53.1)

Open insertion of tubal prosthesis into duodenum (G53.4) Correction of malrotation of duodenum (G53.6)

G53.2 Closure of perforation of duodenum not elsewhere classified (Contaminated)

G53.3 Open removal of foreign body, from duodenum (Clean-Contaminated)

G53.5 Incision of duodenum not elsewhere classified

Includes: Duodenotomy not elsewhere classified (Clean-Contaminated)

G58 Excision of jejunum* (Clean-Contaminated)


Total jejunectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to colon (G58.3)

Partial jejunectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to colon (G58.5)

G58.1 Total jejunectomy and anastomosis of stomach to ileum

G58.2 Total jejunectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to ileum

G58.4 Partial jejunectomy and anastomosis of jejunum to ileum

Includes: Jejunectomy and anastomosis of jejunum to jejunum

G58.8 Other specified

G58.9 Unspecified

Includes: Jejunectomy not elsewhere classified

SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.
SMART QR-RFID is a game-changer in the healthcare industry. We are dedicated to providing top-notch healthcare services, driven by our passion for innovation and excellence. Our innovative approach to healthcare services sets us apart from the rest, and we are committed to delivering the best services possible to all patients. If you're looking for a healthcare organization that believes in doing what has never been done before, then look no further than SMART QR-RFID.

*Note: Usually emergency operation for ischaemia. The minimum wound class is then contaminated

G59 Extirpation of lesion of jejunum (Clean-Contaminated)

G59.1 Excision of lesion of jejunum

G59.2 Open destruction of lesion of jejunum

G59.8 Other specified

G59.9 Unspecified

G60 Artificial opening into jejunum

G60.1 Jejunostomy creation (Clean-Contaminated)

G60.2 Jejunostomy refashioning (Contaminated)

G60.3 Jejunostomy Closure (Contaminated)

G60.8 Other specified

G60.9 Unspecified

G61 Bypass of jejunum (Clean-Contaminated)

Excludes: Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to colon (G61.3) G61.1 Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to jejunum

G61.2 Bypass of jejunum by anastomosis of jejunum to ileum

G61.8 Other specified

G61.9 Other unspecified

G63 Other open operations on jejunum (Clean-Contaminated)


Open biopsy of lesion of jejunum (G63.1)

Open intubation of jejunum (G63.4)

G63.2 Incision of jejunum (Clean-Contaminated)

G63.3 Closure of perforation of jejunum (Contaminated)

G68.1 Allotransplantation of ileum (Clean-Contaminated)

G68.8 Other specified transplantation of ileum

G68.9 Unspecified transplantation of ileum

G69 Excision of ileum (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Small intestine not elsewhere classified

Excludes: Ileectomy and anastomosis of ileum to colon (G69.4) G69.1 Ileectomy and anastomosis of stomach to ileum

G69.2 Ileectomy and anastomosis of duodenum to ileum

G69.3 Ileectomy and anastomosis of ileum to ileum

G69.8 Other specified

G69.9 Unspecified

Includes: Ileectomy not elsewhere classified

G70 Open extirpation of lesion of ileum (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Small intestine not elsewhere classified

G70.1 Excision of meckel diverticulum

G70.2 Excision of lesion of ileum not elsewhere classified

G70.3 Open destruction of lesion of ileum

G70.8 Other specified

G70.9 Unspecified

G71 Bypass of ileum (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Small intestine not elsewhere classified Excludes:

Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to caecum (G71.3)

Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to transverse colon (G71.4)

Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to colon not elsewhere classified (G71.5) G71.1 Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of jejunum to ileum

G71.2 Bypass of ileum by anastomosis of ileum to ileum

G71.6 Duodenal switch

G71.8 Other specified G71.9 Unspecified

G73 Attention to connection of ileum (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Small intestine not elsewhere classified

G73.1 Revision of anastomosis of ileum

G73.2 Closure of anastomosis of ileum

G73.3 Resection of ileostomy

G73.4 Resection of ileo-colic anastomosis

G73.8 Other specified

G73.9 Unspecified

G74 Creation of artificial opening into ileum (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Small intestine not elsewhere classified

G74.1 Creation of continent ileostomy

G74.2 Creation of temporary ileosotomy

G74.3 Creation of defunctioning ileosotomy

Includes: Creation of split ileostomy

G74.8 Other specified

G74.9 Unspecified

G75 Attention to artificial opening into ileum (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Small intestine not elsewhere classified Excludes: Dilation of ileostomy (G75.4)

G75.1 Refashioning of ileostomy (Contaminated)

G75.2 Repair of prolapse of ileostomy (Clean-Contaminated)

G75.3 Closure of ileostomy (Contaminated)

G75.8 Other specified (Clean-Contaminated)

G75.9 Unspecified (Clean-Contaminated)

G78 Other open operations on ileum (Clean-Contaminated)

Includes: Small intestine not elsewhere classified Excludes:

Open biopsy of lesion of ileum (G78.1) Open intubation of ileum (G78.6)

G78.2 Strictureplasty of ileum (Clean-Contaminated)

G78.3 Removal of foreign body from ileum (Clean-Contaminated) G78.4 Closure of perforation of ileum (Contaminated)

G78.5 Exclusion of segment of ileum (Clean-Contaminated)

G78.8 Other specified (Clean-Contaminated)

G78.9 Unspecified (Clean-Contaminated)


Spinal Surgery

Surgical procedures on the vertebral structures of the spine including the exploration or decompression of the spinal cord, the removal or resection of intervertebral discs, spinal fusion; and repair of fractures or deformities.

The minimum wound class for spinal surgery is clean.

Use an additional code to specify levels of spine (V55.1, V55.2, V55.3, V55.8 and V55.9 listed below).

V22 Primary decompression operations on cervical spine (Clean)

Includes: decompression operations on cervical spine NEC Note: Principal category, extended at V69

V22.1 Primary anterior decompression of cervical spinal cord and fusion of cervical spine

V22.2 Primary anterior decompression of cervical spinal cord NEC

V22.3 Primary foraminotomy of cervical spine

V22.4 Primary anterior corpectomy of cervical spine with reconstruction HFQ

V22.5 Primary decompression of posterior fossa and upper cervical spinal cord and instrumentation

V22.6 Primary decompression of posterior fossa and upper cervical spinal cord NEC

V22.7 Primary laminoplasty of cervical spine

V22.8 Other specified

V22.9 Unspecified

V23 Revisional decompression operations on cervical spine (Clean)

Note: Principal category, extended at V70

V23.1 Revisional anterior decompression of cervical spinal cord and fusion of cervical spine

V23.2 Revisional anterior decompression of cervical spinal cord NEC

V23.3 Revisional foraminotomy of cervical spine.

V23.4 Revisional anterior corpectomy of cervical spine with reconstruction HFQ

V23.5 Revisional decompression of posterior fossa and upper cervical spinal cord and instrumentation

V23.6 Revisional decompression of posterior fossa and upper cervical spinal cord NEC

V23.7 Revisional laminoplasty of cervical spine

V23.8 Other specified

V23.9 Unspecified

V24 Primary decompression operations on thoracic spine (Clean)

V24.1 Primary decompression of thoracic spinal cord and fusion of thoracic spine Includes: Decompression of thoracic spinal cord and fusion of joint of thoracic spine

V24.2 Primary decompression of thoracic spinal cord NEC Includes: Decompression of thoracic spinal cord NEC

V24.3 Revisional decompression of thoracic spinal cord NEC

V24.4 Primary anterior corpectomy of thoracic spine with reconstruction HFQ Includes: Anterior corpectomy of thoracic spinal cord and reconstruction HFQ

V24.5 Revisional anterior corpectomy of thoracic spine and reconstruction HFQ V24.8 Other specified

V24.9 Unspecified

V25 Primary decompression operations on lumbar spine (Clean)

V25.1 Primary extended decompression of lumbar spinal cord and intertransverse fusion of joint of lumbar spine

V25.2 Primary extended decompression of lumbar spinal cord NEC

V25.3 Primary posterior decompression of lumbar spinal cord and intertransverse fusion of joint of lumbar spine.

V25.4 Primary posterior laminectomy decompression of lumbar spinal cord.

V25.5 Primary posterior decompression of lumbar spinal cord NEC

V25.6 Primary lateral foraminotomy of lumbar spine

V25.7 Revisional anterior corpectomy of lumbar spine and reconstruction HFQ

V25.8 Other specified

V25.9 Unspecified

V26 Revisional decompression operations on lumbar spine (Clean)

Excludes: revisional insertion of lumbar interspinous process spacer (V28.2)

V26.1 Revisional extended decompression of lumbar spinal cord and intertransverse fusion of joint of lumbar spine

V26.2 Revisional extended decompression of lumbar spinal cord NEC

V26.3 Revisional posterior decompression of lumbar spinal cord and intertransverse fusion of joint of lumbar spine.

V26.4 Revisional posterior laminectomy decompression of lumbar spinal cord.

V26.5 Revisional posterior decompression of lumbar spinal cord NEC

V26.6 Revisional lateral foraminotomy of lumbar spine

V26.8 Other specified

V26.9 Unspecified

V27 Decompression operations on unspecified spine (Clean)

V27.1 Primary decompression of spinal cord and fusion of joint of spine NEC Includes: decompression of spinal cord and fusion of joint of spine NEC

V27.2 Primary decompression of spinal cord. NEC Includes: Decompression of spinal cord NEC.

V27.3 Revisional decompression of spinal cord NEC

V27.8 Other specified

V27.9 Unspecified

V29 Primary excision of cervical intervertebral disc (Clean)

Includes: Excision of cervical intervertebral disc NEC.

V29.1 Primary laminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc V29.2 Primary hemilaminectomy excision of intervertebral disc

V29.3 Primary fenestration excision of cervical intervertebral disc.

V29.4 Primary anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of cervical spine

V29.5 Primary anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc NEC V29.6 Primary microdicectomy of cervical intervertebral disc

V29.8 Other specified

V29.9 Unspecified

V30 Revisional excision of cervical intervertebral disc (Clean)

V30.1 Revisional laminectomy excision of cervical intervertebral disc V30.2 Revisional hemilaminectomy excision of intervertebral disc V30.3 Revisional fenestration excision of cervical intervertebral disc.

V30.4 Revisional anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of cervical spine

V30.5 Revisional anterior excision of cervical intervertebral disc NEC V30.6 Revisional microdicectomy of cervical intervertebral disc

V30.8 Other specified

V30.9 Unspecified

V31 Primary excision of thoracic intervertebral disc (Clean)

Includes: Excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEC

V31.1 Primary anteriolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc and graft HFQ

V31.2 Primary anteriolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEQ

V31.3 Primary costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc V31.8 Other specified

V31.9 Unspecified

V32 Revisional excision of thoracic intervertebral disc (Clean)

V32.1 Revisional anteriolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc and graft HFQ

V32.2 Revisional anteriolateral excision of thoracic intervertebral disc NEQ

V32.3 Revisional costotransversectomy of thoracic intervertebral disc V32.8 Other specified

V32.9 Unspecified

V33 Primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc (Clean)

Includes: Excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NEC.

V33.1 Primary laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc V33.2 Primary fenestration excision of lumbar intervertebral disc

V33.3 Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine

V33.4 Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NEC

V33.5 Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior graft fusion of joint of lumbar spine

V33.6 Primary anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior instrumentation of lumbar spine

V33.7 Primary microdiscectomy of lumbar intervertebral disc

V33.8 Other specified

Includes: Primary posterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc V33.9 Unspecified

V34 Revisional excision of lumbar intervertebral disc (Clean)

V34.1 Revisional laminectomy excision of lumbar intervertebral disc V34.2 Revisional fenestration excision of lumbar intervertebral disc

V34.3 Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine

V34.4 Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NEC

V34.5 Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior graft fusion of joint of lumbar spine

V34.6 Revisional anterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and posterior instrumentation of lumbar spine

V34.7 Revisional microdiscectomy of lumbar intervertebral disc

V34.8 Other specified

Includes: Primary posterior excision of lumbar intervertebral disc V34.9 Unspecified

V35 Excision of unspecified intervertebral disc (Clean)

V35.1 Primary excision of intervertebral disc NEC

V35.2 Revisional excision of intervertebral disc NEC

V35.8 Other specified

V35.9 Unspecified

V36 Prosthetic replacement of intervertebral disc (Clean)

Note: Use an additional code to specify levels of spine (V55)

V36.1 Prosthetic replacement of cervical intervertebral disc

V36.2 Prosthetic replacement of thoracic intervertebral disc

V36.3 Prosthetic replacement of lumbar intervertebral disc

V36.8 Other specified

V36.9 Unspecified

V37 Primary fusion of joint of cervical spine (Clean)


Fusion of joint of cervical spine NEC

Fusion of joint of cervical spine for stabilisation

Fusion of joint of cervical spine using cable wire fixation

V37.1 Posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint NEC

V37.2 Posterior fusion of joint of cervical spine NEC

V37.4 Fusion of atlantooccipital joint

V37.5 Posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint using transarticular screw V37.6 Posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint using pedicle screw

V37.7 Fusion of occipitocervical NEC junction

V37.8 Other specified

V37.9 Unspecified

V38 Primary fusion of other joint of spine (Clean)


Fusion of joint of spine NEC Unspecified spine

Fusion of joint of spine for stabilisation

V38.1 Primary fusion of joint of thoracic spine

V38.2 Primary posterior interlaminar fusion of joint of lumbar spine V38.3 Primary posterior fusion of joint of lumbar spine NEC

Includes: Primary posterior interspinous fusion of lumbar spine.

V38.4 Primary intertransverse fusion of joint of lumbar spine NEC V38.5 Primary posterior interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine V38.6 Primary transforaminal interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine

V38.8 Other specified

V38.9 Unspecified

V39 Revisional fusion of other joint of spine (Clean)

Includes: Revisional fusion of joint of spine for stabilisation

V39.1 Revisional fusion of joint of cervical spine NEC

V39.2 Revisional fusion of joint of thoracic spine

V39.3 Revisional posterior interlaminar fusion of joint of lumbar spine V39.4 Revisional posterior fusion of joint of lumbar spine NEC

Includes: revisional posterior interspinous fusion of lumbar spine.

V39.5 Revisional intertransverse fusion of joint of lumbar spine NEC V39.6 Revisional posterior interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine V39.7 Revisional transforaminal interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine

V39.8 Other specified

V39.9 Unspecified

V40 Stabilisation of spine (Clean)

Excludes: Fusion of spine for stabilisation (V37-V39) Note: Use subsidiary code to specify levels of spine (V55) V40.1 Non-rigid stabilisation of spine

Note: Excludes: Fusion of spine for stabilisation (V37–V39)

V40.2 Posterior instrumented fusion of cervical spine NEC

V40.3 Posterior instrumented fusion of thoracic spine NEC

V40.4 Posterior instrumented fusion of lumbar spine NEC

V40.5 Removal of instrumentation from spine

V40.8 Other specified

V40.9 Unspecified

V41 Instrumental correction of deformity of spine (Clean)

Only to be assigned for instrumented correction of spinal deformities, such as kyphosis and scoliosis and must not be used for instrumented spinal fusion which can be found at category.

V40    Stabilisation of spine.

Excludes: Implantation of vertical expanding prosthetic titanium rib (O09.1 (W)) Note: Use an additional code to specify levels of spine (V55)

V41.1 Posterior attachment of correctional instrument to spine

V41.2 Anterior attachment of correctional instrument to spine

V41.3 Removal of correctional instrument to spine

V41.4 Anterior and posterior attachment of correctional instrument to spine

V41.8 Other specified

V41.9 Unspecified

V42 Other correction of deformity of spine (Clean)

Note: Use subsidiary code to specify levels of spine (V55)

V42.1 Excision of rib hump

V42.2 Epiphysiodesis of spinal apophyseal joint for correction of deformity

V42.3 Anteriolateral release of spine for correction of deformity and graft HFQ

V42.4 Anterior and posterior epiphysiodesis of spine for correction of deformity

V42.5 Anterior epiphysiodesis of spine for correction of deformity NEC

V42.6 Posterior epiphysiodesis of spine for correction of deformity NEC

V42.8 Other specified

V42.9 Unspecified

V43 Extirpation of lesion of spine (Clean)

Note: Use subsidiary code to specify levels of spine (V55)

V43.1 Excision of lesion of cervical vertebra

V43.2 Excision of lesion of thoracic vertebra

V43.3 Excision of lesion of Lumbar vertebra

V43.8 Other specified

V43.9 Unspecified

V44 Decompression of fracture of spine (Clean)

Note: Use subsidiary code to specify levels of spine (V55)

V44.1 Complex decompression of fracture of spine

V44.2 Anterior decompression of fracture of spine

V44.3 Posterior decompression of fracture of spine

V44.4 Vertibroplasty of fracture of spine

Includes: Kyphoplasty of fracture of spine

V44.8 Other specified

V44.9 Unspecified

V45 Other reduction of fracture of spine (Clean)

Note: Use subsidiary code to specify levels of spine (V55)

V45.1 Open reduction of fracture of spine and excision of facet of spine

V45.2 Open reduction of fracture of spine NEC

V46 Fixation of fracture of spine (Clean)

Note: Use subsidiary code to specify levels of spine (V55)

V46.1 Fixation of fracture of spine using plate

V46.2 Fixation of fracture of spine using Harrington rod

V46.3 Fixation of fracture of spine using wire

V46.4 Fixation of fracture of spine and skull traction HFQ

V46.5 Removal of fixation device from spine

V46.8 Other specified

V46.9 Unspecified

V49 Exploration of spine (Clean)

Note: Do not use as approach code (Y48-50)

Use subsidiary code to specify levels of spine (V55)

V49.1 Exploratory cervical laminectomy

V49.2 Exploratory thoracic laminectomy

V49.3 Exploratory lumbar laminectomy

V49.4 Exploratory laminectomy NEC

V49.5 Transthoracic exploration of spine

V49.6 Transperitoneal exploration of spine

V49.8 Other specified

V49.9 Unspecified

V51 Other primary excision of lumbar intervertebral disc

Includes: Excision of lumbar intervertebral disc NEC

V51.1 Primary direct lateral excision of lumbar intervertebral disc and interbody fusion of joint of lumbar spine

V51.8 Other specified

V51.9 Unspecified

V54 Other operations on spine (Clean)

V54.1 Transoral excision of odontoid process of axis

V54.2 Graft of bone to spine NEC

V54.3 Osteotomy of spine NEC

V54.8 Other specified other operations on spine

V54.9 Unspecified other operations on spine

V55 Levels of spine

These codes are not intended as primary codes. They represent the number of levels operated upon not the anatomical region of the spine.

V55.1 One level of spine

V55.2 Two levels of spine

V55.3 Greater than 2 levels of spine

V55.8 Other specified

V55.9 Unspecified

V66 Other revisional fusion of joint of spine (Clean)

Includes: Revisional fusion of joint of spine for stabilisation

Note: Principal

V39 Use an additional code to specify levels of spine (V55)

V66.1 Revisional fusion of occipitocervical junction

V66.2 Revisional posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint using transarticular screw

V66.3 Revisional posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint using pedicle screw

V66.4 Revisional posterior fusion of atlantoaxial joint NEC

V66.8 Other specified V66.9 Unspecified

V67 Other primary decompression operations on lumbar spine (Clean)

V67.1 Primary posterior lumbar medial facetectomy

V67.2 Primary hemilaminectomy decompression of lumbar spine V67.8 Other specified

V67.9 Unspecified

V68 Other revisional decompression operations on lumbar spine (Clean)

V68.1 Revisional posterior lumbar medial facetectomy

V68.2 Revisional hemilaminectomy decompression of lumbar spine V68.8 Other specified

V68.9 Unspecified

Vascular surgery

perative procedure involving arteries or veins includes aortic aneurysm repair, vascular grafts, and carotid, iliac, femoral or popliteal artery operations. Excludes varicose vein repair, creation of arterial shunts, coronary artery bypass graft, or any procedures involving the pulmonary artery.

Note: In categories L16 to L21, L48 to L54 and L56-L6 5reference to iliac artery (not further qualified) should be understood to include:

  • common iliac artery

  • external iliac artery

  • internal iliac artery

Similarly reference to femoral artery includes:

  • common femoral artery

  • deep femoral artery

  • superficial femoral artery

The minimum wound class for vascular surgery is clean.

L16 Extraanatomic bypass of aorta (Clean)

L16.1 Emergency bypass of aorta by anastomosis of axillary artery to femoral artery L16.2 Bypass of aorta by anastomosis of axillary artery to femoral artery not elsewhere


L16.3 Bypass of aorta by anastomosis of axillary artery to bilateral femoral arteries L16.8 Other specified

L16.9 Unspecified

L18 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta (Clean)

Includes: Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta using prosthesis Excludes: Endovascular repair of aneurysmal segment of aorta (L27, L28)

L18.1 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of ascending aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta

L18.2 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of thoracic aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L18.3 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of suprarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta

L18.4 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of infrarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta

Includes: Juxtarenal abdominal aorta

L18.5 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal segment of abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L18.6 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to iliac artery

L18.8 Other specified

L18.9 Unspecified

L19 Other replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta (Clean)

Includes: Replacement of aneurysmal segment of aorta using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

Excludes: Endovascular repair of aneurysmal segment of aorta (L27, L28)

L19.1 Replacement of aneurysmal segment of ascending aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L19.2 Replacement of aneurysmal segment of thoracic aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L19.3 Replacement of aneurysmal segment of suprarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L19.4 Replacement of aneurysmal segment of infrarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified Includes: Juxtarenal abdominal aorta

L19.5 Replacement of aneurysmal segment of abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L19.6 Replacement of aneurysmal bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L19.8 Other specified

L19.9 Unspecified

L20 Other emergency bypass of segment of aorta (Clean)


Emergency bypass of segment of aorta using prosthesis not elsewhere classified Emergency replacement of segment of aorta not elsewhere classified

Emergency replacement of segment of aorta using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

L20.1 Emergency bypass of segment of ascending aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L20.2 Emergency bypass of segment of thoracic aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L20.3 Emergency bypass of segment of suprarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L20.4 Emergency bypass of segment of infrarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified Includes: Juxtarenal abdominal aorta

L20.5 Emergency bypass of segment of abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L20.6 Emergency bypass of bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L20.8 Other specified

L20.9 Unspecified

L21 Other bypass of segment of aorta (Clean)


Bypass of segment of aorta using prosthesis not elsewhere classified Replacement of segment of aorta not elsewhere classified

Replacement of segment of aorta using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

L21.1 Bypass of segment of ascending aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L21.2 Bypass of segment of thoracic aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L21.3 Bypass of segment of suprarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L21.4 Bypass of segment of infrarenal abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified Includes: Juxtarenal abdominal aorta

L21.5 Bypass of segment of abdominal aorta by anastomosis of aorta to aorta not elsewhere classified

L21.6 Bypass of bifurcation of aorta by anastomosis of aorta to iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L21.8 Other specified

L21.9 Unspecified

L22 Attention to prosthesis of aorta (Clean)

L22.1 Revision of prosthesis of thoracic aorta

L22.2 Revision of prosthesis of bifurcation of aorta

L22.3 Revision of prosthesis of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified

L22.4 Removal of prosthesis from aorta

L22.8 Other specified

L22.9 Unspecified

L23 Plastic repair of aorta (Clean)

L23.1 Plastic repair of aorta and end to end anastomosis of aorta L23.2 Plastic repair of aorta using subclavian flap

L23.3 Plastic repair of aorta using patch graft

L23.4 Release of vascular ring of aorta

L23.5 Revision of plastic repair of aorta

L23.6 Plastic repair of aorta and insertion of tube graft

L23.7 Repair of interrupted aortic arch

L23.8 Other specified

L23.9 Unspecified

L25 Other open operations on aorta (Clean)

Includes: Aortic body (L25.5)

L25.1 Endarterectomy of aorta and patch repair of aorta

L25.2 Endarterectomy of aorta not elsewhere classified

L25.3 Open embolectomy of bifurcation of aorta


Open thrombectomy of bifurcation of aorta

Embolectomy of bifurcation of aorta not elsewhere classified Thrombectomy of bifurcation of aorta not elsewhere classified

L25.4 Operations on aneurysm of aorta not elsewhere classified L25.5 Operations on aortic body

L25.8 Other specified

L25.9 Unspecified

L28 Transluminal operations on aneurysmal segment of aorta (Clean)

Excludes: Open repair of aneurysmal segment of aorta (L18, L19)

Note: Includes only procedures requiring an incision to expose a major blood vessel for access, for example, the femoral artery. Does not include percutaneous procedures

L28.1 Endovascular insertion of stent for infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm Includes: Juxtarenal abdominal aorta

L28.2 Endovascular insertion of stent for suprarenal abdominal aortic aneurism

L28.3 Endovascular insertion of stent for thoracic aortic aneurism

L28.4 Endovascular insertion of stent for aortic dissection in any position

L28.5 Endovascular insertion of stent of aortic bifurcation NEC

L28.6 Endovascular insertion of stent for aorto-uni-iliac aneurysm L28.8 Other specified

L28.9 Unspecified

L29 Reconstruction of carotid artery (Clean)

L29.1 Replacement of carotid artery using graft

L29.2 Intracranial bypass to carotid artery

L29.3 Bypass to carotid artery not elsewhere classified

L29.4 Endarterectomy of carotid artery and patch repair of carotid artery

L29.5 Endarterectomy of carotid artery not elsewhere classified

L29.6 High flow interposition extracranial to intracranial bypass from external carotid artery to middle cerebral artery.

L29.7 Bypass of carotid artery by anastomosis of superficial temporal artery to middle cerebral artery.

L29.8 Other specified

L29.9 Unspecified

L30 Other open operations on carotid artery (Clean)

Includes: Carotid body (L30.5)

L30.1 Repair of carotid artery not elsewhere classified

L30.2 Ligation of carotid artery

L30.3 Open embolectomy of carotid artery Includes:

Open thrombectomy of carotid artery

Embolectomy of carotid artery not elsewhere classified Thrombectomy of carotid artery not elsewhere classified

L30.4 Operations on aneurysm of carotid artery

L30.5 Operations on carotid body

L30.8 Other specified

L30.9 Unspecified

L37 Reconstruction of subclavian artery (Clean)


Axillary artery Brachial artery Vertebral artery

L37.1 Bypass of subclavian artery not elsewhere classified

L37.2 Endarterectomy of vertebral artery

L37.3 Endarterectomy of subclavian artery and patch repair of subclavian artery

L37.4 Endarterectomy of subclavian artery not elsewhere classified

L37.8 Other specified

L37.9 Unspecified

L38 Other open operations on subclavian artery (Clean)


Axillary artery Brachial artery Vertebral artery

L38.1 Repair of subclavian artery not elsewhere classified

L38.2 Ligation of subclavian artery

L38.3 Open embolectomy of subclavian artery Includes:

Open thrombectomy of subclavian artery

Embolectomy of subclavian artery not elsewhere classified Thrombectomy of subclavian artery not elsewhere classified

L38.4 Operations on aneurysm of subclavian artery

L38.8 Other specified

L38.9 Unspecified

L41 Reconstruction of renal artery (Clean)

L41.1 Plastic repair of renal artery and end to end anastomosis of renal artery

L41.2 Bypass of renal artery

L41.3 Replantation of renal artery

L41.4 Endarterectomy of renal artery

L41.5 Translocation of branch of renal artery

L41.6 Patch angioplasty of renal artery

L41.8 Other specified

L41.9 Unspecified

L42 Other open operations on renal artery (Clean)

L42.1 Open embolectomy of renal artery Includes:

Open thrombectomy of renal artery

Embolectomy of renal artery not elsewhere classified Thrombectomy of renal artery not elsewhere classified

L42.2 Open embolisation of renal artery

L42.3 Ligation of renal artery

L42.4 Operations on aneurysm of renal artery

L42.8 Other specified

L42.9 Unspecified

L45 Reconstruction of other visceral branch of abdominal aorta (Clean)


Coeliac artery

Superior mesenteric artery Inferior mesenteric artery Suprarenal artery

L45.1 Bypass of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified

L45.2 Replantation of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified

L45.3 Endarterectomy of visceral branch of abdominal aorta and patch repair of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified

L45.4 Endarterectomy of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified

L45.8 Other specified

L45.9 Unspecified

L46 Other open operations on other visceral branch of abdominal aorta (Clean)


Coeliac artery

Superior mesenteric artery Inferior mesenteric artery Suprarenal artery

L46.1 Open embolectomy of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified Includes:

Open thrombectomy of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified Embolectomy of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified Thrombectomy of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified

L46.2 Open embolisation of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified

L46.3 Ligation of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified

L46.4 Operations on aneurysm of visceral branch of abdominal aorta not elsewhere classified

L46.8 Other specified

L46.9 Unspecified

L48 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery (Clean)

Includes: Emergency replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery using prosthesis

L48.1 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal common iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to common iliac artery

L48.2 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to external iliac artery

Includes: Emergency replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to internal iliac artery

L48.3 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to common femoral artery

L48.4 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to superficial femoral artery

Includes: Emergency replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to deep femoral artery.

Emergency replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to popliteal artery

L48.5 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to iliac artery

L48.6 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to femoral artery

Includes: Emergency replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to popliteal artery

L48.8 Other specified

L48.9 Unspecified

L49 Other replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery (Clean)

Includes: Replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

L49.1 Replacement of aneurysmal common iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to common iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L49.2 Replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to external iliac artery not elsewhere classified

Includes: Replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to internal iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L49.3 Replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to common femoral artery not elsewhere classified

L49.4 Replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to superficial femoral artery not elsewhere classified


Replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to deep femoral artery not elsewhere classified

Replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to popliteal artery not elsewhere classified

L49.5 Replacement of aneurysmal iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L49.6 Replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to femoral artery not elsewhere classified

Includes: Replacement of aneurysmal artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to popliteal artery not elsewhere classified

L49.8 Other specified

L49.9 Unspecified

L50 Other emergency bypass of iliac artery (Clean)


Emergency bypass of iliac artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified Emergency replacement of iliac artery not elsewhere classified

Emergency replacement of iliac artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

L50.1 Emergency bypass of common iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to common iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L50.2 Emergency bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to external iliac artery not elsewhere classified

Includes: Emergency bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to internal iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L50.3 Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to common femoral artery not elsewhere classified

L50.4 Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to deep femoral artery not elsewhere classified

Includes: Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to superficial femoral artery not elsewhere classified

Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to popliteal artery not elsewhere classified

L50.5 Emergency bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L50.6 Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to femoral artery not elsewhere classified

Includes: Emergency bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to popliteal artery not elsewhere classified

L50.8 Other specified Includes:

Emergency aorto-iliac anastomosis not elsewhere classified

Emergency aorto-femoral anastomosis not elsewhere classified Emergency ilio-femoral anastomosis not elsewhere classified

L50.9 Unspecified

L51 Other bypass of iliac artery (Clean)


Bypass of iliac artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified Replacement of iliac artery not elsewhere classified

Replacement of iliac artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

L51.1 Bypass of common iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to common iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L51.2 Bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to external iliac artery not elsewhere classified

Includes: Bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of aorta to internal iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L51.3 Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to common femoral artery not elsewhere classified

L51.4 Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to deep femoral artery not elsewhere classified


Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to superficial femoral artery not elsewhere classified

Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of aorta to popliteal artery not elsewhere classified

L51.5 Bypass of iliac artery by anastomosis of iliac artery to iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L51.6 Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to femoral artery not elsewhere classified

Includes: Bypass of artery of leg by anastomosis of iliac artery to popliteal artery not elsewhere classified

L51.8 Other specified Includes:

Aorto-iliac anastomosis not elsewhere classified Aorto-femoral anastomosis not elsewhere classified Ilio-femoral anastomosis not elsewhere classified

L51.9 Unspecified other bypass of iliac artery

L52 Reconstruction of iliac artery (Clean)

L52.1 Endarterectomy of iliac artery and patch repair of iliac artery L52.2 Endarterectomy of iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L52.8 Other specified

L52.9 Unspecified

L53 Other open operations on iliac artery (Clean)

L53.1 Repair of iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L53.2 Open embolectomy of iliac artery


Open thrombectomy of iliac artery

Embolectomy of iliac artery not elsewhere classified Thrombectomy of iliac artery not elsewhere classified

L53.3 Operations on aneurysm of iliac artery not elsewhere classified L53.8 Other specified

L53.9 Unspecified

L56 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery (Clean)

Excludes: When associated with connection from aorta or iliac artery (L48)

L56.1 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery

Includes: Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery using prosthesis

L56.2 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis

L56.3 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using vein graft

Includes: Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery not elsewhere classified

L56.4 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using prosthesis

Includes: Popliteal artery

L56.5 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using vein graft

Includes: Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery not elsewhere classified

Popliteal artery

L56.6 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis

Includes: Popliteal artery

L56.7 Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using vein graft

Includes: Emergency replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery not elsewhere classified

Popliteal artery L56.8

Other specified L56.9

Unspecified L57 Other replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery (Clean)

Excludes: When associated with connection from aorta or iliac artery (L49)

L57.1 Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery not elsewhere classified

Includes: Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

L57.2 Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

L57.3 Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using vein graft not elsewhere classified

Includes: Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery not elsewhere classified

L57.4 Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

Includes: Popliteal artery

L57.5 Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using vein graft not elsewhere classified

Includes: Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery not elsewhere classified

Popliteal artery

L57.6 Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

Includes: Popliteal artery

L57.7 Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using vein graft not elsewhere classified

Includes: Replacement of aneurysmal femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery not elsewhere classified

Popliteal artery

L57.8 Other specified

L57.9 Unspecified

L58 Other emergency bypass of femoral artery (Clean)

Includes: Emergency replacement of femoral artery not elsewhere classified Excludes: When associated with connection from aorta or iliac artery (L50)

L58.1 Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery not elsewhere classified

Includes: Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

Emergency bypass crossover graft of femoral artery to femoral artery NEC

L58.2 Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

L58.3 Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using vein graft not elsewhere classified

Includes: Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery not elsewhere classified

L58.4 Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

Includes: Popliteal artery

L58.5 Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using vein graft not elsewhere classified

Includes: Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery not elsewhere classified Popliteal artery

L58.6 Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

Includes: Popliteal artery

L58.7 Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using vein graft not elsewhere classified

Includes: Emergency bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery not elsewhere classified Popliteal artery

L58.8 Other specified

L58.9 Unspecified

L59 Other bypass of femoral artery (Clean)

Includes: Replacement of femoral artery not elsewhere classified Excludes: When associated with connection from aorta or iliac artery (L51)

L59.1 Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery not elsewhere classified

Includes: Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to femoral artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

Emergency bypass crossover graft of femoral artery to femoral artery NEC

L59.2 Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

L59.3 Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery using vein graft not elsewhere classified

Includes: Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to popliteal artery not elsewhere classified

L59.4 Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

Includes: Popliteal artery

L59.5 Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery using vein graft not elsewhere classified

Includes: Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to tibial artery not elsewhere classified

Popliteal artery

L59.6 Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

Includes: Popliteal artery

L59.7 Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery using vein graft not elsewhere classified

Includes: Bypass of femoral artery by anastomosis of femoral artery to peroneal artery not elsewhere classified

Popliteal artery L59.8 Other specified L59.9 Unspecified

L60 Reconstruction of femoral artery (Clean)

Includes: Popliteal artery

L60.1 Endarterectomy of femoral artery and patch repair of femoral artery L60.2 Endarterectomy of femoral artery not elsewhere classified

L60.3 Profundoplasty of femoral artery and patch repair of deep femoral artery

L60.4 Profundoplasty of femoral artery not elsewhere classified

L60.8 Other specified

L60.9 Unspecified

L62 Other open operations on femoral artery (Clean)

Includes: Popliteal artery

L62.1 Repair of femoral artery not elsewhere classified

L62.2 Open embolectomy of femoral artery


Open thrombectomy of femoral artery

Embolectomy of femoral artery not elsewhere classified Thrombectomy of femoral artery not elsewhere classified

L62.3 Ligation of aneurysm of popliteal artery

L62.4 Operations on aneurysm of femoral artery not elsewhere classified

L62.8 Other specified

L62.9 Unspecified

L65 Revision of reconstruction of artery (Clean)

L65.1 Revision of reconstruction involving aorta

L65.2 Revision of reconstruction involving iliac artery

L65.3 Revision of reconstruction involving femoral artery

L65.8 Other specified

L65.9 Unspecified

L68 Repair of other artery (Clean)

Includes: Unspecified artery

L68.1 Endarterectomy and patch repair of artery not elsewhere classified

L68.2 Endarterectomy not elsewhere classified

L68.3 Repair of artery using prosthesis not elsewhere classified

L68.4 Repair of artery using vein graft not elsewhere classified

Includes: Repair of artery using graft not elsewhere classified

L68.8 Other specified

L68.9 Unspecified

L70 Other open operations on other artery (Clean)

Includes: Unspecified artery

L70.1 Open embolectomy of artery not elsewhere classified Includes:

Open thrombectomy of artery not elsewhere classified Embolectomy of artery not elsewhere classified Thrombectomy of artery not elsewhere classified

L70.2 Open embolisation of artery not elsewhere classified

L70.3 Ligation of artery not elsewhere classified

L70.4 Open cannulation of artery not elsewhere classified

L70.5 Operations on aneurysm of artery not elsewhere classified L70.8 Other specified

L70.9 Unspecified

L75 Other arteriovenous operations (Clean)

L75.1 Excision of congenital arteriovenous malformation Includes: Ligation of congenital arteriovenous malformation

L75.2 Repair of acquired arteriovenous fistula

Includes: Ligation of acquired arteriovenous fistula

L75.3 Embolisation of arteriovenous abnormality

L75.8 Other specified

L75.9 Unspecified

L77 Connection of vena cava or branch of vena cava (Clean)

L77.1 Creation of portocaval shunt

L77.2 Creation of mesocaval shunt

L77.3 Creation portosystemic shunt not elsewhere classified

L77.4 Creation of distal splenorenal shunt

L77.5 Creation of proximal splenorenal shunt

L77.8 Other specified

L77.9 Unspecified

L79 Other operations on vena cava (Clean)

L79.1 Insertion of filter into vena cava

L79.2 Plication of vena cava

L79.3 Stenting of vena cava NEC

L79.4 Attention to filter into vena cava NEC

L79.5 Removal of filter in vena cava

L79.6 Repair of anomalous caval vein connection

L79.7 Excision of lesion of vena cava

L79.8 Other specified

L79.9 Unspecified

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